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Messages from Presidents, past and present


.……….. that was our aim

We think it has worked and hope you feel the same

But it could not have been done without all of you

Helping and supporting us in everything we tried to do

You took a stand at Bloomfield’s to teach the Bangor crowd

About the crime of Trafficking and did Purple Teardrop proud

You filled lots of boxes with goodies for dispatch

And made some mothers happy with gifts nicely wrapped

You went on a Titanic cruise with not a fear or a tear

And graced the Council Chamber with good humour and great gear

The months have gone by so quickly and now ends our year

So all the very best to Anne and Helen – hip, hip and a big cheer

J&I  Immediate Past Presidents


There is  French & Saunders – Cagney & Lacey – Venus & Serena – Patsy & Edina; all successful duos and now we have Irene & Jen who pioneered for our Club the double act, and did it in a seamless way.

Thank you for making it look so effortless, but we know there was a lot of thought and time put into preparation.  You kept us focussed on our programme areas, the topics that really matter to us as Soroptimists, and you ensured that the year was inclusive and enjoyable.

You have left quite a legacy – a lot to be lived up to.

But of course it is not a competition.

Everyone in the Club has a unique talent and skill and it is that which creates the synergy, making Bangor the great Club that it is. “The whole being greater than the sum of its parts”.

It is our hope that during this year you will see and seize the opportunity to share your talent or skill with the members.

And we trust that this is a year when the Club can grow not just in membership but in commitment and the deepening of friendship.

Quote from Sandra Day O’Connor who throughout her career helped to advance the status of women in politics and law:

“Each of us brings to our job, whatever it is, our lifetime of experience and values”.


And now it is my turn!

It is a bit like ‘Buy one get one Free’.

A quarter of century ago I stood before this Club a mere slip of a girl, nervously starting my year as President.  Not so young now, maybe not so nervous and really pleased to be sharing the job with Anne.

We are delighted to have Lesley Walker continuing as Correspondence Secretary and

Carole Ingram as Minutes Secretary, also Margaret Miller and Ann Adams as Joint Treasurers.

We will try to continue with all the great work Jen and Irene accomplished during the past year and keep regenerating our much loved Club.

Our first Meeting is 10th April 2013 and we will have all the Programme Booklets ready.  We hope for a great turnout as we want  to pick your brains for ideas to move the Club forward.

So until 10th…………………………………