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Saturday Session 1 – 09.00-10.15

Hon Mobina SB Jaffer QC

The Hon. Mobina SB Jaffer QC, Senator for British Columbia, came to tell delegates about Women in Conflict Situations. Mobina was born in Uganda to Indian parents and came to England as a refugee, where she was educated, before going to British Columbia, where she became the first East Indian woman to practice law. A passionate woman and speaker, Mobina described the horrendous scenes she had witnessed in Sierra Leone when she was part of a Canadian team to see how Canada could help after the conflict. She has also worked in Israel and Palestine on conflict resolution and urged delegates to read the sheet she had provided on Resolution 1325.

Mobina said that we must take the challenges, make the opportunities happen and must not sit waiting for things to happen – they will not!

Public Speaking Winners from Northern Ireland and Republic of Ireland

Eva Richards, winner Northern Ireland

Northern and Republic of Ireland both hold an annual public speaking competition, which offer a challenge to young girls in Year 13 at school (16/17 years old) to develop their skills and give them the confidence to speak in public.

Rachel Reigel, winner Republic of Ireland

Eva is from Ballymena, County Antrim and her theme was The 2012 Olympics – a winner for London, while Rachel, from Fermor in County Cork, spoke on GK Chesterton’s opinion that: “Education is simply the soul of society as it passes from one generation to another”.

SIGBI have since received an email from Rachel’s father which says: “her (Rachel’s) entire involvement in the competition has been hugely positive and, from our point of view, the Belfast event was a shining example of what she (Rachel) can aspire towards both in terms of personal achievement and giving something back to society.

Both girls spoke beautifully, with confidence beyond their years, demonstrating their skills in preparing, writing and delivering an excellent speech.