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Soroptimist International - Canterbury

Soroptimist International of Canterbury is part of a worldwide organisation of women, which is linked to the United Nations.

Welcome to SI Canterbury

Are you looking for a local women’s club with international influence? Find out more about Soroptimist International and SI Canterbury.

Soroptimist International is a global organisation of women working to transform the lives of women and girls worldwide.   It helps that we hold consultative rights at the UN and are recognised as a Non-Governmental organisation representing women.

SI Canterbury has been making a difference to the lives of women and girls locally, nationally and internationally since 1961. We achieve this through Programme Action work focused on education, empowering and enabling women and girls, awareness raising, advocacy and action and through local partnerships.

Membership of your local club gives an opportunity to:

  • Take part in local, national and international projects and fundraising to support women and girls
  • Enjoy service, friendship and socials with like minded women
  • Lobby, influence and make a difference for women at home and abroad
  • Attend international and national conferences, meeting women from different countries and cultures
  • Access Soroptimist online magazines, websites and databases

Organisations supported through service and programme action include:

Locally, we support the Canterbury Food Bank, All Saints’ Larder and the Community Larder and Kitchen; the Rising Sun Domestic Violence Unit; the Canterbury Women’s Refuges and the Medaille Trust (a charity supporting victims of modern day slavery and trafficking). We are also active participants in ‘Plastic Free Canterbury’; the Biodiversity Network and the Climate Change Action Partnership.   We have recently organised regular ‘Walk and Chat’ meetings with migrant women in Canterbury, working with Mason’s Mile and Kent Refugee Action Network. 

We organise a “SILENT MARCH’ through the streets of Canterbury each November to raise awareness of Domestic Violence, nationally and internationally.  

Nationally we engage in lobbying and advocacy work around all women’s issues including Forced Marriage, Human Trafficking and Support for Unmarried Teenage Mothers (Cape of Good Hope). 

Internationally we support Save the Children, Amnesty International  and contribute to emergency support funds including the Red Cross. 

We also work in partnership with Amnesty international Canterbury, Canterbury Sustainable Development Forum

Our  Programme Action  Work is always based on our Soroptimist International vision, mission and principles (  ) and falls into one of our Programme areas:

Economic Empowerment, Education, Violence Against Women, Food Security and Health, Environmental Sustainability, Advocacy

For news of our club activities please check out our NEWS or PROJECT WORK pages in CLUB MENU or follow the link to our:

facebook page Soroptimist International Canterbury




Recent Club News

Canterbury’s Inspirational Woman of The Year 2025

Soroptimist International is committed to a world where women and girls together achieve their individual...

Silent March 2024

As part of the United Nations 16Days of Activism against gender based violence and domestic…

Macmillan Coffee Morning

            SI Canterbury hosted a Macmillan Coffee morning to raise…

SI Canterbury choose new project

Canterbury Soroptimists choose new project. At the recent Canterbury Soroptimists’ Reflections Day, we discussed what…