Welcome to SI Durham
SI Durham members welcome Matilda Mathias from SI Bangalore during her recent visit to Durham
What do we do?
Like all Soroptimist Clubs, we work together to support the Vision, Mission and Programme Goals of Soroptimism International. Our ‘Programme Action’ projects range from advocacy, actions, fundraising and voluntary help to support causes at a local, regional, national and international level.
Club Meetings
We meet formally on the first and third Mondays of the month except August and the third Monday in December to discuss and plan our activities. Meetings start at 7.15 pm, Supper meetings are held at Ramside Hall Hotel, Business meetings are held at County Hall, Durham City.
The first Monday meeting is a Supper evening where members enjoy a two-course meal, socialise and are often entertained by an after dinner speaker. Our annual Charter dinner/lunch in May, to which other Clubs and external guests are invited, replaces the normal Supper meeting. This signifies the start of a new Presidential Year and is usually held at a prestigious local venue. The July Supper meeting has traditionally been a Mystery Trip followed by supper at an external venue.
The Business meeting on the third Monday deals with Club business and activity, Regional and Federation business, and Programme Action. The meetings are an opportunity to update one another on progress with Programme Action projects/decide on new initiatives to support where relevant. There may be a short presentation from an outside organisation on issues the Club is concerned about and with.
Visitors are most welcome to any meeting but especially to the Supper evening.