‘If you cannot attend our meetings, you can become an Associate member’……..
Hazel Brown is an associate member of Crieff SI, and has been working with Crieff SI member Janice Wilson on a project to install a defibrillator in the telephone box in Gilmerton. The defibrillator is available for use 24/7 and has been registered with Scottish Ambulance Service. Anyone dialling 999 will be told of its position if appropriate. The defibrillator and rescue kit was installed in conjunction with the Community Heartbeat Trust who provided a training awareness session free of charge with 30 locals taking part. It covered what to do if someone is unconscious, CPR and using a defibrillator and the difference between sudden cardiac arrest and a heart attack. The Gilmerton Telephone Box will also be an Information Hub as it also houses a book exchange library and information board showing details of walks around the Knock and other news relating the environment