“President’s Blog?? “asks our web administrator.
“Blog? What’s that?” replied a very inexperienced president.
I always knew that being president of SI Crieff would drag me kicking and screaming into a huge variety of unfamiliar situations but didn’t realise that would also include the 21st Century! Since that day in July I have been searching for that most elusive of items
– a round TUIT.
It came as quite a shock to realise that six months of my year had been and gone and passed so I’d better start writing!
Already this year the club has had the privilege of meeting some inspiring people at our meetings.
Pat, Pat and Heather who told us of an Art group which does so much more than encourage people to take part in Art activities. In Strathearn Art For Experience members find a SAFE, confidential space to be themselves and gain mutual support to grow their skills and are never made to feel awkward even if they just want to sit with a cup of coffee. More information is available on their Facebook site.
Richard introduced us to the work of Green Routes to Wellbeing- members volunteer in the local greenspaces and gain a new structure in their lives. It is worth looking at their website or blog- greenroutestowellbeing.wordpress.com
During our first fundraiser at the opening market of the Comrie Fortnight we had the good fortune to meet the president of a club in the Netherlands and had an enjoyable half hour talking about our clubs.
So many “guests” , so many experiences and so much to learn.
The prize for cutest guest has got to go to a lovely lady
called Lucca who came to tell us all that she had to do to become a therapet and about her experiences visiting care homes and a school open day. She did get a little help from her owner- SI Crieff member Judy.
rFood has been a recurring theme of the year so far be it as part of our President’s outing in July; the opening evening in September; part of Baubles, bangles, beads and bags-one of our fundraising projects; the Big Breakfast for Scottish Children’s appeal ,organised by Building Bridges one of our continuing projects. It can be said that members of enjoy themselves.
Sometimes our events have unexpected benefits. As well as raising awareness of the work of the Uganda Childbirth Injury team and raising funds to allow two ladies to have surgery, one member’s soup and cheese lunch also provided the opportunity to spread the word about the work of Soroptimist International .
Laughter is the best medicine- or so they say. That could certainly be said about some of our more social occasions. I just need to hear the opening bars of “Singing in the rain” to feel the chuckle growing in my throat. I’ve always thought SI Crieff members were bravely willing to go where others fear to tread.
That attitude was well to the fore at our opening evening in September. Ladies I will never forget the look of bemusement and helpless laughter as we worked our way through that famous song. I promise I will not start it up again at our trip to Pitlochry at Christmas. Oh for a video camera!
That same attitude was displayed at the end of a talk by Marie, a member of the LiveActive Wellbeing team when she led us in a short workout-standing in a tiered seating area. Brilliant!
Well, we have all survived the first 6 months relatively unscathed and here’s to the next 6 months. Hmmmn I don’t think I’ll get away with waiting 6 months for the next instalment of the blog – after all I do have a round TUIT now. Mahri

“ Today (7th July 2016) eleven Crieff Soroptimists headed for Aberfeldy where we tried our hand at prospecting!
We began by having a very pleasant lunch in the cosy cafe before setting off to find our fortune! You are able to find garnets – and Mary did – rose quartz and of course gold flakes. We all found it very addictive and strangely satisfying.
Sadly we did not make ourselves rich especially with gold trading at an all time high of $1,360 per ounce – but we found plenty of ‘fool’s gold’.
Back to the cafe for refreshments before trundling home with our prized bits of stone….”