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World Water Day 22nd March 2014

World Water Day 22 March 2014 = Water and Energy

Posted: March 4, 2014

World Water Day 22 March 2014 = Water and EnergyWorld Water Day 22nd March 2014

Water and energy are closely interlinked and interdependent. These interdependencies lie at the heart of what is known as the “water-energy nexus”.

Facts about the water-energy nexus, globally…

  • 90% of power generation is water-intensive.
  • There is an increasing risk of conflict between power generation, other water users and environmental considerations.
  • Energy production accounts for roughly 15% of all water withdrawals, or roughly 75% of all industrial water withdrawals.
  • Thermal power generation accounts for roughly 80% of global electricity production and is responsible for roughly one half of all water withdrawals in The United States and in several European countries.
  • Several factors determine how much cooling water is needed by thermal power plants, including the fuel type, cooling system design and prevailing meteorological conditions. However, efficiency is often the main factor that drives water requirements: the more efficient the power plant, the less heat has to be dissipated, thus less cooling is required.
  • Hydroelectricity, which can also require abundant water supplies, accounts for about 15% of global electricity production.
  • By 2035, global water withdrawals for energy are expected to increase by 20%, whereas water consumption for energy is expected to increase by 85%.
  • Unconventional oil (e.g., oil/tar sands) and gas production (e.g.“fracking”) are generally more water intensive than conventional oil and gas production.

Time to act . . .

The world cannot continue to ignore or escape the strong link between water and energy. They are not independent variables in the world’s economic-ecosystem equation. The goal of World Water Day is show the positive aspects of that connection and how it may be put to better and more efficient use by the cooperation of all interested and affected parties; that is essentially everyone, as we all need water and energy.

Get Involved

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If you’re doing anything to mark World Water Day, please let us know on

Laura Redhead
APD for Environmental Sustainability