What has international environmental law got to do with Soroptimists?
You might be wondering, what has international environmental law got to do with Soroptimists or women’s empowerment. Manashi Mohanti[1] said that women are “last consulted, first affected” on issues affecting their environment. So, if we are to empower ourselves and other women, and leave a healthy planet for future generations, it’s important we know what’s going on with the environment and how environmental issues are regulated. Environmental protection and sustainability are also at the core of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which drive all of Soroptimist East London’s work. So we were very privileged to hear from eminent environmental law Professor Malgosia Fitzmaurice[2], Chair of Public International Law at Queen Mary University of London at our June 2020 speaker meeting. Are Soroptimists concerned about the environment? The answer is a big yes! Prof. Malgosia’s online talk hosted by Soroptimist East London garnered one of