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Soroptimist International (SI) Scotland South Region celebrates 80 years of service

Soroptimist International (SI) Scotland South Region celebrates 80 years of service


Soroptimist International (SI) Scotland South Region recently celebrated 80 years of Soroptimist service to women and girls locally, nationally and across the world. Past Regional Presidents were invited to attend the celebration and 22 women were in attendance along with Regional President Melanie. Immediate Past President Marian identified that the Past Presidents had given over 600 years of service as members of Soroptimist International to women and girls. SI Glasgow City has 7 Past Regional Presidents within the present membership. A speaker, who is also a Soroptimist, gave a talk about the charity Dress for Success whose mission is to empower women to achieve economic independence by providing a network of support, professional attire and the development tools to help women thrive in work and life. The photos show the Past Presidents with President Melanie, Past President Sheila from SI West Lothian and President Melanie

£5000 raised to support Children in Scotland and Worldwide

£5000 raised to support Children in Scotland and Worldwide


SI Glasgow City and Stagecoach Theatre Arts Glasgow raised £5000 following two performances by Stagecoach students. Dr Ann Finch, President of Soroptimist International Glasgow City club presented a cheque for £2500 to Save the Children and £2500 to Action for Sick Children Scotland. Ann commented ‘I am delighted that the monies raised by the students of Stagecoach Theatre Arts Glasgow will be used to support less fortunate children in Scotland and worldwide. Glasgow Soroptimists have previously collaborated with Stagecoach Theatre Arts Glasgow to raise funds for Teenage Cancer Trust charity’. Soroptimists focus on transforming the lives of women and girls, locally, nationally and globally, through education, empowerment and enabling initiatives. Soroptimists make a difference to the lives of more than half a million women and girls in the world every year and have consultative status with the United Nations. Soroptimist International Glasgow City are working and supporting local initiatives




Soroptimist International Glasgow City is saddened to hear of the passing of Miss Una Bissett who was a long standing member of SI Glasgow Central and SI Glasgow City. Una is fondly remembered by members and will be missed by all. We send our deepest condolences to Una’s family and friends at this sad time.