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Loves Me Loves Me Not

Loves Me Loves Me Not


SI Guernsey has printed posters showing what a good relationship looks like. The have been posted around the island in public places such as the hospital and library, in doctors and dentists etc. The Share Nurses distribute the bookmarks as part of their PSHE lessons./                              

Be Lads Campaign

Be Lads Campaign

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The guest speaker at our  February supper evening was Poppy Murray who gave us a presentation of her Be Lads Campaign. She created the campaign after the case of Sarah Everard. BE LADS is an acronym for the campaign which aims to give advice to men and help women feel safer when walking alone.

Listen to SI Guernsey’s winning entry from “The Big Story”

Listen to SI Guernsey’s winning entry from “The Big Story”


We are pleased to announce that our member, June Money, has now had her story  published on YouTube,  it is read by Joan Collins’ daughter Tara Arkle A quote from June “Remembering my childhood during the Occupation years was almost like living it again. The memories flooded back.‘ Never think you can’t write – you can. If you can speak, you can write. If you can understand this, you are fully qualified to tell a story of your own. It will belong to you; you can select and create and mix up and omit anything you want. Just start at once, on any old paper or screen or tablet.  To listen please click on the following link

SI Guernsey visit Ladies College

SI Guernsey visit Ladies College


On Friday 9 October, The Ladies’ College celebrated 100 years of women in Guernsey having the right to vote.  Members of Soroptimist International of Guernsey, wearing costume associated with the women’s suffrage movement, visited the College and spoke with Year 6 (Form III) and Year 7 (Remove) pupils about the history of female representation in the Island. The States’ reforms extending the franchise to Guernsey women over thirty were sanctioned by the Privy Council in October 1920, a century ago this month.  It was to take until the December 1945 election, however, before the age of enfranchisement was equalised for men and women. The students explored the reasons for changes locally, and were interested to see that the militant campaign of the Suffragettes in the UK was not mirrored locally. Women’s representation in public life is also being explored by a number of Sixth Form students