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SI Guernsey achievements 2019-2020

SI Guernsey achievements 2019-2020


President Delia Anderson-Brown report 2019/2020   Who would ever have thought a year ago that we would be holding our AGM like this?  I applaud all of you who have got to grips with new technology in order to hold this meeting.  I would much rather have been in the Rocquettes Hotel and seen you all in person, perhaps with a glass of wine in my hand!   In most of our lifetimes, we have never seen a year like this and I think there are going to be some difficult times ahead in our community. I know in our capacity as Soroptimists we will be able to put our skills to the fore and help where we are needed.   My year of office started in April 2019 and I had great fun in organising my friendship weekend.  I know that we all enjoyed

Guernsey Soroptimists celebrated their 40th Anniversary this year.

Guernsey Soroptimists celebrated their 40th Anniversary this year.


Guernsey Soroptimists celebrated their 40th Anniversary this year.   Lady Corder, our Patron, joined members of Soroptimist International on Saturday 20th June, where she planted a tree in Cambridge Park to mark the occasion of the 40th Anniversary of Soroptimists in Guernsey. Followed a wonderful celebratory Afternoon Tea at Les Cotils   During the afternoon Lady Corder and President Sally Evans addressed the group, and members shared their favourite moments as Soroptimists from the past 40 years. The event culminated in the cutting of a specially designed cake. Along with toasts to past members, absent friends, friendship links and fellow Soroptimist’s around the world. Soroptimist International remit is to Empower, Education and Enable women and girls worldwide. This is particularly pertinent this year as it is 100 years since women in Guernsey got the vote. We were going to have a parade through town to mark