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Friendship Link Meeting

This week we held our first virtual Friendship link meeting. Our Friendship Club is SI Sutton Coldfield. Each year we normally meet for a social meetings and we attend each others Charter events. However, this has not been possible in 2020.

SI Sutton Coldfield President Jacqueline Bannister arranged a Zoom meeting. The meeting was attended by a total of eighteen members from the two clubs. President Jackie commented that we had reduced our carbon Footprint for this meeting to virtually zero! Bozenna Benton told us that SI Sutton Coldfield had held a meeting recently with their International Friendship links.

Our two clubs exchanged news about their lockdown activities. We talked about our programme action projects and the social meetings we have held’ which have either been on Zoom or outside in socially distanced settings.

SI Sutton Coldfield have been busy in lockdown helping SI Hallamshire make twiddlemuffs and teddies. These will be given to dementia patients. Our President’s charity this year is Sheffield Hospitals Charity Dementia Appeal. President Jackie commented that some of their older members who had been shielding during lockdown. Their members had particularly enjoyed knitting these items as it gave them purpose. We are very grateful to our Friendship Link for their help with this project. We are hoping to meet soon to receive these knitted items.

We all enjoyed catching up with friends and sharing our ideas and activities. It was a joy to be able spend time with each other in this way.