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AGM and Change of Office – President Sue takes up office

The Club’s AGM held on the 15th of April celebrated the hard work of out-going President Andrea Trimmer and the  Club members. Though the final sum is to be confirmed President Andrea announced that £3000 had been raised over the last year for ‘The Young Carers Mentorship Scheme’; this included over a £1000 raised by The Square Restaurant from the Cookery School,  £840 from a night of fun at the Murder Mystery Event as well as money from a very enjoyable Thai Lunch, selling refreshments at the Wesleyan Church in Harrogate and not forgetting the Le Tour evening in honour of the Grand Depart. The amount equates to 120 hours of mentorship that really makes a difference to young people who care for their parents or siblings across Harrogate and District.

Andrea handed over the Chain of Office to incoming President Sue Williams. President Sue’s charity will raise money to support ‘Our Angels’-  A local support group for parents who lose babies either in pregnancy or during childbirth. They also raise funds to provide equipment and specialist training for Harrogate Hospital.

Andrea presents President Sue with Chain of Office
Andrea presents President Sue with Chain of Office

President Sue present Andrea with her Immediate Past President Badge

President Sue present Pat Shore with her Vice President Elect Badge

Presidet Sue presents Jill Trotter with the Honorary Treasurers Badge of office

President Sue with SI Yorkshire Regional President Angela Edwards and Immediate Past President Andrea Trimmer