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Clothes Swap raises £260 for Generators to the Ukraine

Clothes Swap raises £260 for Generators to the Ukraine


Clothes Swap A happy band of our members enjoyed a clothes swap evening at Starbeck library on the 9th July. A great range of items of clothing were brought and exchanged. Accessories were on offer for sale and a raffle helped to boost the funds A great team effort to organise and run the event that raised £260 for the Generators to Ukraine project Thank you to everyone who supported our  Event. The  generators and solar lights for Ukraine make a difference to the families whose lives have been devastated by the war. We are working with Care in Action – Турбота в Дії who provide relief for families in the Ukraine. Saint  Michael’s Hospice Shop, Ripon The clothes and accessories that did not find new homes have a second chance too. They’re heading to Saint Michael’s Charity shop in Ripon and will not end

President Christine’s June Blog

President Christine’s June Blog


BLOG – JUNE 2024 It’s been a relief to see the sunshine on some of the days during June, fingers crossed this continues for a few more months – I am ever so much the optimist Soroptimist when it comes to the summer weather! I have managed to get a couple of rain free days away in Lincolnshire with my miniature schnauzer, too this month. Regional Council Meeting at Asham Grange Women’s Prison On 15th June I attended the Regional Council Meeting and this one is always a popular event for Yorkshire Club Members as it is held at Askham Grange Women’s Open Prison. It is the 2nd year I have been and I was once again, impressed with the organisation, politeness and friendliness of those representing the Prison, some other Organisations could take lessons from them! The food was just as delicious and plentiful

President’s Blog – A busy May

President’s Blog – A busy May


BLOG – MAY 2024 I really do enjoy May, it has 2 bank holidays (so no work for me!), having longer days and being able to get out and about during daylight! I have tried very hard this month to take photos so I can share what I have been up to with you. It’s been a busy month building friendship links, focusing on project completion and as you can see from the photo’s all whilst having fun. Soroptimist International of Blantyre  – Seyema School Library Project Christabel and I have been working with SI Blantyre on finishing off the Seyema School Library Project.  Thank you, Christabel, for your very generous hospitality, wonderful views over the river Nidd and most importantly for seeing this project through to the end.  Christabel will give a very short presentation to the next Regional Council Meeting about the project.

Summer of Song – raises £1000 for Resurrected Bites

Summer of Song – raises £1000 for Resurrected Bites

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What a wonderful evening listening to the amazing Eurythmia Ensemble  at Saint Mark’s Church, Leeds Rd, Harrogate. We raised  £1000 that will go to Resurrected Bites. Reducing Food Waste and ‘Putting Food  in Bellies not Bins’. YouTube – Listen to the opening verses of Scarborough Fair Thank you to Catherine Field-Leather, musical director and all the Eurythmia Singers. Especillay for waiving your fee so all the money will go to Resurrected Bites.  Thanks to all our members who helped on the evening and also to Anne and Gillian,  volunteers from Resurrected Bites,  who made sure the teas/coffees and cakes were ready at the interval.  

Harrogate and District Soroptimists – 90 Years through the Decades

Harrogate and District Soroptimists – 90 Years through the Decades

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Club members captured on film,  ‘Our History’ from 1933 till present day. Follow the links to find out more. Introduction – Click here to visit on YouTube Here are the links – 1930 –  Janet Hutton –  SIGBI ONLY 1940 –  Sue Williams and 1950 –  Meg. 1960 – Sylvia and 1970 –  Jennifer. 1980 –  Christine 1990 – Sandra Frier 2000 – Sandra Jowett and Denise Newby and 2010 Heather Shipman 2020 –  President Pat

Celebrating International Women’s Day 8th March #IWD2024

Celebrating International Women’s Day 8th March #IWD2024

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President Pat Shore welcomed our guests as Harrogate and District Soroptimist  celebrated International Women’s Day with a special event at the Wesley Centre in Harrogate with the theme, ‘Forging an Inclusive World for Women and Girls’. With over 160 people present on the night we were delighted to announce our Young Woman and Woman in the Community Awards. Women volunteers making a difference to others. It is always a hard job for the judges with such fantastic nominations.  Yorkshire President Susie Westwood and Club President Pat Shore presented the Winners and the Highly Commended certificates. Young Woman in the Community Award  – Grace Hughes. Grace has used her organisational and musical talent to support Dementia Forward , Saint Michael’s Hospice shops and is an ambassador for Orchestras for All. Highly Commended –  Emily Houghton Emily is a volunteer for Harrogate Hospital & Community Charity. She

Stop Gender-based Violence

Stop Gender-based Violence

The Club is actively involved in raising awareness about the UN led 16 days of activism campaign to stop gender-based violence. The 16 days starts on the 25th November,  United Nation’s International Day for the Elimination of  Violence Against Women until the 10th December, the celebration of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. We are supporting Soroptimist International’s  campaign, Wired for Change. Online gender-based abuse is a growing problem and poorly regulated. We seek to harness technologies potential for good. We need to ensure women’s voices are heard not silenced. Follow our daily campaign on our Facebook page @soroptimist80 Dressing the tree at St John’s Church Knaresborough IMG_5527

Blog – Busy August and September

Blog – Busy August and September

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Club Blog August/September August August is the only month we don’t meet formally but that didn’t stop lots of activity taking place. Two of our members, Judith and Janet,  joined a coach load of Yorkshire Soroptimist who wended their way across the Irish Sea to the Soroptimist International Convention in Dublin. Follow the link for more information about Our Voice at the United Nations The Convention takes place every 4 years and brings together all five Federations. It is also a great opportunity to meet up with our Friendship Links from all over the world. Judith and Janet met up with our Friendship Link Joan from SI Willamantic in the USA and Helen and Maddie from SI Wellington in New Zealand.  Judith, Janet along with Nicola met up with Joan and her husband again for a wonderful Afternoon Tea back in England at Goldsborough Hall.

Garden Party raises £250 for Local Food Banks

Garden Party raises £250 for Local Food Banks

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A little drop of rain! The inclement British summer  certainly impacted  on many  planned outdoor events. Club member Audrey’s ‘Garden Party’ ended up ‘Indoors’ when the rain came down. So, 15 Soroptimists and 2 Soroptimisters  had to squeeze into Audrey’s lounge. It was very sociable, and everyone took it in good humour and there was plenty of laughter. And, the grand sum of £250 raised for local food banks. Fantastic array of Food A fine selection of quiches, tuna, smoked salmon and salads and berries and cream with a Pimms cup and tea and coffee and small cakes provided an excellent lunch. Audrey’s great niece, Jennie, who loves baking, made cheese and sweet scones, quiche, and small cupcakes. Sue W, Lynne and Jan  gave wonderful help in preparing and setting everything up. And Audrey’s  lovely neighbour suddenly appeared with a delicious Pavlova which is in

A busy June and July for Harrogate and District Soroptimists

A busy June and July for Harrogate and District Soroptimists

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Come rain or shine – its a busy summer so far for Club members as we: raised over £750 for Young Carers; help clear Scarborough Beach of  24 Kg of litter; celebrated the success of Sharing our Skills with Rossett 6th Form College as well as enjoying our summer outing at Shepherds Purse and raising funds for Club charities with an Ascot themed garden party. Young Carers –  Flamingo Land Here We Come! The Club’s supported Young Carers with Christmas gift certificates for many years. This year, as we celebrate our 90th year, we wanted to do something special. So, on the Coronation Weekend, we held a Tombola in the Valley Garden as we raised awarenss about Voluntray Service and raised money for the Young Carers.  The weather wasn’t on our side as  the heaven’s opened all day. None the less we made £120. The