On Anti Slavery Day, October 18th, Harrogate Soroptimists heard from Margaret Cook the chair of the Yorkshire Region Soroptimist’s Anti Slavery Group.

Margaret began by talking about the importance of raising awareness of the need to protect vulnerable women and girls from modern slavery, as many people do not realize that it is a problem in our society today. Modern day slavery includes forced marriage, domestic abuse, grooming for sexual exploitation, female genital mutilation and people trafficking.
We learned about some of the very successful resources that the group has created which help to get the message out, including the Loves Me Loves Me Not bookmarks. We saw a series of excellent information displays that can be used in public places and also the latest social media resources including Facebook and Instagram.
The Anti Slavery group speaks to many organizations and at present is especially interested in talking to young people who are going to college and university.
The evening was interactive with views and information being shared by Margaret and the Harrogate & District Soroptimists, which proved to be an excellent way of receiving news about the group’s work.
Eight members of the Club attended the Federation Conference of Soroptimist International of Great Britain and Ireland in Cardiff the following week where Modern Slavery and People Trafficking was given a place on the agenda. Kevin Hyland OBE, the UK’s Independent Anti Slavery Commissioner, was one of a group of speakers who gave updates about the work of addressing the problems and how people are being helped.
These sessions have certainly emphasized how important it is to continue to raise awareness and support the work against modern slavery and people trafficking.
For more information about the Club and how to become a member email sihandd@hotmail.co.uk