Do you know how many young people are looking after a parent, sibling or both?
It is estimated that there are about 800,000 Young Carers in the UK. That is young people with an average age of 12, that are taking on caring duties usually done by a parent or adult!
The Club has a long history of supporting Young Carers. And, in our 90th year what better way to raise funds to provide a fun day out for the Young Carers in the summer than a Fun Quiz Night.
So, on a glorious sunny Friday evening in May, together with family, friends and neighbours, we met up at the Masonic Hall to take part in a quiz to raise money for Young Carers. Quiz Masters, Sue Williams and Sylvia Purser supported by husbands Ged and Ken set a quiz that challenged our knowledge across a wide range of subjects. All in good fun and, with a final round of all or nothing, there was everything to play for.

President Pat said, ‘It was a very successful evening and we are thrilled to be supporting such a great cause as Young Carers. Proceeds from the evening, together with the money raised with a tombola stall at the Big Help Out day in the Valley Gardens on Coronation weekend, will be presented to the Young Carers to fund their summer outing.