Come rain or shine – its a busy summer so far for Club members as we: raised over £750 for Young Carers; help clear Scarborough Beach of 24 Kg of litter; celebrated the success of Sharing our Skills with Rossett 6th Form College as well as enjoying our summer outing at Shepherds Purse and raising funds for Club charities with an Ascot themed garden party.
Young Carers – Flamingo Land Here We Come!
The Club’s supported Young Carers with Christmas gift certificates for many years. This year, as we celebrate our 90th year, we wanted to do something special. So, on the Coronation Weekend, we held a Tombola in the Valley Garden as we raised awarenss about Voluntray Service and raised money for the Young Carers. The weather wasn’t on our side as the heaven’s opened all day. None the less we made £120.
The sun shone though for our Quiz Night on 26th May raising £630
So, President Pat, accompanied by Hilary Waddington and Lesley Berry, presented a cheque for £750 to Linda Hall at Young Carers. The money will pay for trip to Flamingo Land.
Scarborough Beach Clean
Club members Sandra Jowett and Denise Newby joined Soroptimists from throughout the Yorkshire Region on a litter pick on Scarborough beach, helping to collect an amazing 24kg of rubbish. Well done Soroptimist International of Yorkshire in partnership with the World Wildlife Fund volunteers.

Sharing our Skills
The Club’s project to ‘Share our Skills’ with 6th form students from Rossett School has come to fruition. Over the last year, Poppy, Pinky and Alice have joined us at meetings and supported our projects. They’ve also set up projects in their school including raising awareness about women’s rights and gender abuse during the UN’s 16 days of Activism as well as raising enough money to help purchase a Toilet Block as part of our Toilet Twinning Campaign. It has been a delight getting to know them. They have helped us too. Raising the issues of young people’s mental health in these days of Social Media and limited resources. We look forward to working with the School again.
Ascot Garden Party
What a great way to spend a sunny summer afternoon than getting out the glad rags and hats and eating a delicious afternoon tea. Club member Sandra Frier hosted the event in her garden to help raise money for our Club charities. A good time was had by all those who were able to attend. We may have not had to lay out a bet on a horse but we certainly tested our skills of observation.
Summer Outing at Shepherds Purse
This year’s Summer Outing took us to the award winning Shepherds Purse Creamery near Thirsk. What a delightful way to spend a bright, warm summer evening tasting fabulous cheeses and sipping an array of wines to match.