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President Christine’s June Blog

BLOG – JUNE 2024

It’s been a relief to see the sunshine on some of the days during June, fingers crossed this continues for a few more months – I am ever so much the optimist Soroptimist when it comes to the summer weather! I have managed to get a couple of rain free days away in Lincolnshire with my miniature schnauzer, too this month.

Regional Council Meeting at Asham Grange Women’s Prison

On 15th June I attended the Regional Council Meeting and this one is always a popular event for Yorkshire Club Members as it is held at Askham Grange Women’s Open Prison. It is the 2nd year I have been and I was once again, impressed with the organisation, politeness and friendliness of those representing the Prison, some other Organisations could take lessons from them! The food was just as delicious and plentiful as last year. I would encourage members to go if they get a chance next year or visit their café and shop. We had 9 members there with our new member Ann attending her 1st regional council meeting. The theme for the meeting was Climate and we also had Ruth Healey our Federation President there to talk about the SIGBI modernisation agenda.

Christabel did an amazing job at the Regional Council Meeting presenting the completion of the Seyema School Library Project to our Yorkshire Sisters, Federation President Ruth Healy and Programme Director Lyndsey Green – so no pressure at all!  It was really well received and I was asked to send the Yorkshire Programme Action Officer a copy, as she wanted to distribute the presentation around the Yorkshire Clubs. Fabulous praise indeed.  Thank you, Christabel and to Pat for helping on the day.  I’m delighted to say that Christabel will be doing a short presentation to the Club at our July Business Meeting, but I will not be holding her to the maximum of 8 minutes imposed by Region!.

Club Development Plan

My focus within the Club this month has been on attending Finance Working Group and the Development Team meeting.  One of the agenda items was looking at the feedback from our recent Time Out session in March and developing an action plan. We discussed the outcomes of the SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) analysis, as this gave us a snapshot of where, from those that attended the session, felt the Club was at.  This information will be used to help inform the 3 year Development Plan that Sylvia is currently working on.  Thank you to Lynne and Sylvia for all the hard work you are putting in to leading these areas of the Club

Summer of Song with the Eurythmia Ensemble for Resurrected Bites raises £1000

What a wonderful Summer of Song concert we had on 8th June performed by the stunning voices of Eurythmia Ensemble and conducted by the remarkable Catherine, who donated their fee to our charity.  In total a huge £1,000 was raised for Resurrected Bites whose aim is to reduce carbon emissions and put food in bellies, not bins. Massive thanks go to Jan for suggesting the concert and with Val for organising this brilliant event. Thank you to everyone who volunteered on the evening and to Resurrected Bites for donating the interval “nibbles” and 2 volunteers to help with the refreshments. Total demonstration of Partnership working in action.

Meeting the High Sheriff at North Yorkshire’s Summer Reception

Pat and I were delighted to be invited to the High Sheriff of North Yorkshire’s Summer Reception at Ripley Castle. Dr Ruth Smith was one of the Guest Speakers at our International Women’s Day event in March.  Ruth’s theme for this year is to raise awareness of the impact of domestic abuse on children.  We will have the privilege of Ruth, the High Sheriff  attending our charter lunch in October, where I hope she will be able to tell us more about her theme for this year. There weren’t many photo opportunities and the weather was rather murky, so Pat and I decided to do an informal picture just to show we were there!

Ripon Walled Garden

I was disappointed to not have been able to attend the “White” Event at the Ripon Walled Garden earlier in the month but was really pleased that several of our Club Members attended. The Ripon Walled Garden holds a very special place in my heart for 2 reasons.

The first being, we have a pear tree dedicated to the memory of Soroptimists past and present, we sponsored in 2021 as part of the Soroptimist Centenary Celebrations.  The memorial tree project was one of the first projects I got involved in when I joined our club, so I am really proud of being part of that project and the legacy it leaves!

The second reason is, because of my involvement in the memorial tree project, it gave me the idea for my family to sponsor a tree for my Mum’s 90th birthday.  We did this and as I write my report it is 3 years to the day we took my Mum to see her tree on her 90th birthday. She was so pleased with her 90th gift as she loved trees. The Walled Garden is a tranquil place to visit, so if you get the opportunity, go visit our pear tree and my Mum’s apple tree, the café is good too!  Here is a picture of my late Mum enjoying her day “meeting” her apple tree.

Summer Outing at Whittakers Gin

Another thank you goes to Hilary our Programme Lead for organising this year’s Summer Outing. The sun shone on Nidderdale, demonstrating why the Harrogate District is a brilliant place to live (I’m not biased being born and bred in Harrogate!) and was the ideal setting for our gin tasting experience at Whittakers Gin. Toby was an amazing host and his passion for gin and whisky making came across so strongly. Jane was also amazing providing us with her homemade sourdough thin crust pizzas, what more could you ask for? It is great to support our local businesses, knowing that they sell their products as far a field as Fortnam and Masons.  If you were unable to join us, they are well worth a visit. Whittakers Gin. I’m looking forward to sampling my Crabby Old Tom that’s the gin I liked the most !

Lobbing Prospective Parliamentary Candidates re Food Poverty

As the general election looms, thank you to Sue W and Audrey for their work on lobbying the various parliamentary candidates on Food Poverty / Banks. There is still time to fill in the petition from the Trussell Trust, as it is important each Party has this on their agenda for change.

On 27th June the coffee morning organised by Sue S and Liz F in aid of Food Poverty raised a magnificent amount of money – £369, apologies I couldn’t be there, it looked like there was a lot of fun and friendship going on. And of course our recognition to Orange …..

“Say No to Violence against women and girls”

Clothes Swap – 7th July at Starbeck Library and Beetle Drive on 19th July

 I am looking forward to going to the Clothes swap evening on 7th July in aid of Ukraine Generator project, it’s an opportunity for me to clear out my wardrobe, as my daughter keeps telling me I have far too many clothes! And taking part in the Beetle Drive on 19th July raising funds for the Emotional and Well-being project, I’ve only been to one before and was very surprised how competitive some of our Club members are!! It will be great to see those of you who are also going.

On a personal note, before I went to the Summer Song Concert on 8th June, I once again volunteered to bring glitter to the annual bed race in support of St Michael’s Hospice. This is the 3rd year I have been involved in this event with my friend Sarah and it is great fun. We have raised over £2,500 over the last 3 years for this wonderful cause. I have also signed up for the Midnight walk 2024 on Saturday 21st September. If anyone wants to join me, it would be great to have you. please register at It’s 10k around Harrogate, so should be a great experience if my hip holds up

Charter Dinner – 12 October 2024

My charter lunch is taking shape, we have our VIP Guests confirmed, High Sheriff of North Yorkshire Dr Ruth Smith and Yorkshire President Susie Westwood and partners. I am delighted to say that Grace, our Young Woman in the Community award winner will be providing the after lunch entertainment. So please remember the date for your diary is Saturday 12th October 2024 at the Bridge Inn, Walshford 12 – 3.30pm.