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St Peter’s Church Refreshment Day raises £650 for Club Charities

St Peter’s Church Refreshment Day raises £650 for Club Charities

A very busy day yielded fantastic results withjust over £650 to share between the Harrogate Women’s Refuge and our ongoing project with Soroptimist International of Pretoria Tshwane. Harrogate Women’s Refuge Project –  Club Members are actively involved in giving service and fund raising to improve the environent for the women and their families who are having to seek refuge from domestic abuse. The Club has already improved the art room, replace curtains and is currently aiming to raise sufficient money to make the childrens outside play area safe again.  

March – Ovarian Cancer Month – for every woman. For life

March – Ovarian Cancer Month – for every woman. For life

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March is Ovarian Cancer Month –  an opportunity to raise awareness about the 5th most commonest cancer in women. Ovarian Cancer effects 1 in 50 women. For more information visit Target Ovarian Cancer Ovarian cancer information, including symptoms, risks, types and stages, as well as top tips on seeing your GP Information and advice for women who have just been diagnosed with ovarian cancer, have a recurrence or terminal ovarian cancer Support including our events, our guides and local groups Information about familial ovarian cancer, and a section for younger women Questions and answers in our Ask the Experts section, information on clinical trials, a quick cancer quiz and our useful A to Z

Fantastic achievement as 105 polo shirts start their journey to Mamelodi, Pretoria

Fantastic achievement as 105 polo shirts start their journey to Mamelodi, Pretoria

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The Club is delighted to announce that Rawcliffe Smart Schoolwear has donated 105 polo shirts of all sizes for children to support their Joint Project with Soroptimists in Pretoria. Rawcliffes have already donated 20 book bags to the project that aims to increase the literacy levels of the most disadvantaged children living in the Pretoria Township, many of who are affected by HIV/AIDS. It was a chance conversation between shop manager Noorjehan Gother and Irene Kerr about the project that resulted in such a generous donation. A local Harrogate school changed its uniform and as a result the old style polo shirts were no longer needed. Club President Sue Williams said, “these polo shirts will be very well received by the children who attend the after school club in Mamelodi. We know they will get to the children because they are going through our own

Wear it Pink

Wear it Pink

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Club members and friends  supporting ‘Wear it Pink’ on the 23rd October. To eradicate Breast Cancer as a cause of death donate to Breast Cancer Now @ The Club meets on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month (except for Aug and January) at the White Hart Hotel, Harrogate. Our membership is open to any woman who want to make a difference to the lives of women and children locally, nationally or internationally.    

October – Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October – Breast Cancer Awareness Month

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The good news is Breast Cancer is succumbing to research, better treatment and early detection. Great strides have been made and more women survive breast cancer than ever before.  The main cause of death due to breast cancer is the spread of secondary tumours to different parts of the body including the bones and other vital organs. Research is yielding positive results and the length of life for women with secondary breast cancer is improving but; more research is needed if the disease is to cease being the 2nd most common cause of death by cancer in women. October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month Supporting Breast Cancer Awareness month. Please watch video produced by the BBC and Breast Cancer Now Breast Cancer Now Video : via @bbciplayer

Supporting the Harrogate Refuge to make a difference

Supporting the Harrogate Refuge to make a difference

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Harrogate Refuge provides a safe place for women and their families to escape from Domestic Abuse. Violence against women is a fact with a women dying in the UK everyday at the hand of a husband/partner or former partner. Soroptimists support the elimination of violence against women and the Club is working in a number of ways to raise awareness, take action and act as advocates for women who are being abused physically and emotionally. Harrogate and District Soroptimists are busy working with the Refuge to raise much needed funds to provide new starter packs for women and families leaving the Refuge, getting paint brushes to the ready to makeover rooms, providing new curtains and working with other organisation to improve the childrens play area. Our Double your money Campaign has raised over £500 so far with members actively involved in a range of activities