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Supporting Young Peoples Mental Health and Wellbeing – Rossett School

Supporting Young Peoples Mental Health and Wellbeing – Rossett School

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  President Pat Shore MBE with Club member Sheila Ince, Cllr. Mike Schofield and Head Teacher Tim Milburn Soroptimist  International of Harrogate and District are undertaking a project to raise funds to provide additional counselling sessions to support students at Rossett School whose emotional health and wellbeing  have been affected by the pandemic, school closures and social isolation. A meeting with Tim Milburn, Headmaster, Councillor Mike Schofield,  Club President Pat Shore and Project Lead Sheila Ince was held to acknowledge the donation of £1000 made by North Yorkshire  Councillor Schofield from his Locality Fund. This is a great start to the project which will benefit students now and in their future lives.  

International Women’s Day – Forging an Inclusive World for Women and Girls

International Women’s Day – Forging an Inclusive World for Women and Girls

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Join us to Celebrate International Women’s Day “Forging an Inclusive World for Women and Girls “. Lets #InspireInclusion on Friday 8 March 2024 at 7pm at the Wesley Chapel, Oxford Street, Harrogate HG1 1PP Key Note Speakers Ruth Smith – Leadership Specialist High Sheriff in Nomination North Yorkshire 2024-5 Ruth Healey – President Soroptimist International of Great Britain & Ireland Presentation of the Harrogate & District Soroptimists ‘Young Woman & Woman in the Community Awards’ linking local achievement to International Women’s Day Musical entertainment by ‘The Stray Notes’ Tea, coffee and biscuits to conclude Admission Free (doors open at 6:30pm) To book your place – email

Stop Gender-based Violence

Stop Gender-based Violence

The Club is actively involved in raising awareness about the UN led 16 days of activism campaign to stop gender-based violence. The 16 days starts on the 25th November,  United Nation’s International Day for the Elimination of  Violence Against Women until the 10th December, the celebration of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. We are supporting Soroptimist International’s  campaign, Wired for Change. Online gender-based abuse is a growing problem and poorly regulated. We seek to harness technologies potential for good. We need to ensure women’s voices are heard not silenced. Follow our daily campaign on our Facebook page @soroptimist80 Dressing the tree at St John’s Church Knaresborough IMG_5527

Charity Shop Christmas Shop Window Competition

Charity Shop Christmas Shop Window Competition

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Harrogate and District Charity Shop Christmas Window Competition Harrogate and District Soroptimists will be judging the Christmas Shop Window Display in Charity Shops in Harrogate, Ripon, Boroughbridge, Knaresborough with Starbeck and Bilton on the 2nd December. The competition, now in its tenth year, takes place across the District. We are always impressed by the creativity and impact of the charity shops windows – dressed by volunteers.  There are three zones, Harrogate Town Centre; Ripon with Boroughbridge; Knaresborough with Starbeck and Bilton.  Gold and Silver Certificates are awarded  in each zone with the overall winner receiving the Soroptimist Cup. Representatives from the short listed shops will be invited to the presentation event at the Crown Hotel on the 6th December. Wetherby – Charity Shop Christmas Window Competition The Gill Smith Trophy is presented to the Best Dressed Charity Shop Window in Wetherby. The judging will take

Help us find the Woman; Young Woman in the Community 2024 closing date 29th January 2024

Help us find the Woman; Young Woman in the Community 2024 closing date 29th January 2024

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Please return completed form to – or by post to Club Secretary, 3 Templar Gardens, Wetherby. LS22 7TG by 29th January  2024  Nomination Form PDF – Soroptimist International of Harrogate and District Word Document  – Soroptimist International of Harrogate and District

90th Anniversary’s Charter Lunch

90th Anniversary’s Charter Lunch

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The Club, one of the oldest Clubs in Yorkshire Region, celebrated its 90th year since being chartered with a lunch. We were honoured to welcome the King’s representative, the Lord Lieutenant of North Yorkshire. Johanna Ropner. Also, Soroptimist International  President Maureen Maguire, SI Great Britain and Ireland President Cathy Cottridge and SI Yorkshire Region President Jane Glendinning. We were delighted that our Friendship links from Arlon in Belgium and Milford Haven in Wales also joined us. Over 100 people attended. With Club Presidents from all over Yorkshire. The event, held at the Masonic Hall provided a wonderful opportunity to meet old friends and make new ones. Club member Lesley Berry caught the essence of the weekend with her poem. Followed by  a sing a long with songs from every decade with Jonathan Hills at the piano and President Pat’s granddaughter singing ‘To make you feel

90th Charter Weekend – What a fantastic time on Saturday

90th Charter Weekend – What a fantastic time on Saturday


What a wonderful weekend we had on 14-15th October. It started out with the Premier of our specially commission film about the history of the Club over the last 90 yrs.  This took place while we ate afternoon tea at the Crown Hotel in Harrogate. Soroptimist International President Maureen Maguire and Soroptimist International President of  Great Britain and Ireland Cathy Cottridge honoured us with their presence. Also, Members from our friendship links from Arlon in Belgium and Milford Haven in Wales.  We then rocked the night away to the music of Last Orders at the Masonic Hall in Harrogate. And, finally we celebrated our Charter Lunch on Sunday with over 100 guests on in the presence of the Lord Lieutenant  of North Yorkshire. A very memorable weekend. Premier of Film and Book to Celebrate 90th Charter Anniversary The Crown Hotel in Harrogate provided the perfect

Blog – Busy August and September

Blog – Busy August and September

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Club Blog August/September August August is the only month we don’t meet formally but that didn’t stop lots of activity taking place. Two of our members, Judith and Janet,  joined a coach load of Yorkshire Soroptimist who wended their way across the Irish Sea to the Soroptimist International Convention in Dublin. Follow the link for more information about Our Voice at the United Nations The Convention takes place every 4 years and brings together all five Federations. It is also a great opportunity to meet up with our Friendship Links from all over the world. Judith and Janet met up with our Friendship Link Joan from SI Willamantic in the USA and Helen and Maddie from SI Wellington in New Zealand.  Judith, Janet along with Nicola met up with Joan and her husband again for a wonderful Afternoon Tea back in England at Goldsborough Hall.

Orange the World on 25th of Each Month – Say No to Violence Against Women and Girls

Orange the World on 25th of Each Month – Say No to Violence Against Women and Girls

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Orange the World –  25th of each month Club members met on Montpelier Hill in Harrogate on the 25th August to raise awareness about the United Nations’ UNiTE campaign to Stop the abuse of women and girls. The UNiTE campaign has proclaimed 25th of each month  as #OrangeDay.   We certainly were eye-catching in our orange Hi-Viz jackets and clothing The national picture shines a light on the magnitude of domestic abuse and violence against women and girls. (source IDAS) 1.6 million women are subject to domestic abuse every year in England and Wales. 85,000 women are raped in England and Wales every year whilst prosecution rates fell to under 3%. 100,000 people in the UK are at imminent risk of being murdered or seriously injured as a result of domestic abuse every year. 130,000 children live in households where there is domestic abuse. It