Wetherby Charity Shop Window Winner – The Dogs Trust
Harrogate and District Soroptimist President Valerie Hills yesterday presented Phoebe, the new manager of The Dogs Trust and Volunteer Margaret with the Gill Smith Cup and Certificate for the Best Dressed Charity Shop Window in Wetherby. The judges, President Val, with Wetherby Soroptimist’s Heather Shipman, Elsie Johnston, Hilary Waddington and Councillor Victor Hawkins from Welcome to Wetherby Committee looked for Impact, Innovation and the Spirit of Christmas. President Val said, ‘It was a pleasure to walk around Wetherby and judge the charity shop windows. Many charity shops make a real effort to make their windows stand out. The Dogs Trust really caught all the judges eye this year. It was an excellent display that also carried a message about the responsibilities of looking after a dog’. Highly recommended by the judge’s were Cancer Research UK and Mind The Charity shops were thanked for for wonderful