03 May 2021 Gypsy and Traveller Empowerment (GATE)
Spring had thought better of it on the cold windy evening of May 3rd when we welcomed Josie O’Driscoll, CEO of GATE Herts, the membership organisation for Gypsy, Roma and Traveller (GRT) people across Hertfordshire. Home | Gate Herts Josie, an Irish Traveller herself, lived a nomadic life in Britain before settling in Hertfordshire in the 90s and has wide experience in GRT matters across Europe, including Gate’s partnership project on the Roma Holocaust memorial in Berlin. She and Kate Belinis, Hertford Soroptimists’ current president, worked together on the pre-schoolers Playbus before GATE was set up in 2010, so they go back some time. Josie described how there are several different communities of gypsies and travellers: Romany Gypsies, who include English, Welsh and Scottish Gypsies; Irish Travellers, Barge Travellers who live on the canals, as well as New Age Travellers. Romany Gypsies originate in North