My Life with the Princes
On Monday 7th May, our club was treated to an insight into the young William and Harry. Our speaker, Graham Craker, had been one of the Princes’ protection officers and shared with us some of his experiences. We heard how Harry had been the mischievous one, hiding from the officers just long enough for them to start to get worried, then appearing in front of them, laughing.
Graham explained that Charles and Diana had wanted the boys to experience normal activities and not grow up too sheltered; Graham’s job was to help ensure this balance between real life and protection.
It was clear that Graham still feels a lot of fondness for the boys. He also spoke about the death of Diana and how he felt that the press did not really understand all that went on in the family when that happened.
It was a most interesting evening and very pertinent to what is happening at the moment in the Royal Family.
And yes, he did get an invitation to the wedding!