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Litter Pick in Middle Den

Litter Pick in Middle Den

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On a beautiful Saturday in April 10 members and a prospective member joined forces to clean up Middle Den opposite Kirkcaldy High School. When we didn’t find too much rubbish lying on the path we moved outwards amongst the trees and found plastic, paper and some bottles. We also found aluminium cans which we collected separately to be recycled. After our exertions we went to Tranquility for a well-earned lunch.

Re-Act, Refugee Aid

Re-Act, Refugee Aid


Our speaker on Monday 12 March was Jan McCall who told us about her involvement over the past three years with “Re-Act”, which was set up by her friends. ‘Re-Act, Refugee Action Scotland’ is a volunteer run Not-For-Profit Humanitarian Aid Co-operative launched in response to the increasing refugee crisis. Using a photo PowerPoint presentation, she spoke about their efforts in the refugee camps in Greece, Lebanon, Syria and the Yemen. Jan, who retired over 10 years ago, worked in the NHS and was involved with establishing Rachel House.

What Women Do

What Women Do

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                  On 16 September 2017 Scotland South Region held an event called What Women Do which showcased some of the jobs and hobbies that women are involved in. The Women in Engineering Society were well represented with a fascinating 3D printer, which took about 50 minutes to replicate a small Lego figure. There was a stall showing the work of a woman artist blacksmith and a Financial Adviser, as well as women representing the Medical Research council. More traditional jobs included crafts, jewellery, handbags, art and food and drink.  

Fairtrade for Foodbank

Fairtrade for Foodbank


President Heather with some club members and the donations of mainly Fairtrade food for Kirkcaldy Foodbank. Our club donates food to the Foodbank at our first meeting of the month, and as it was Fairtrade Fortnight we chose to buy Fairtrade items. Unfortunately it’s still difficult to buy everything we wanted to that is Fairtrade, so we had to supplement with some non-Fairtrade items.

Fairtrade rugby ball given to Kirkcaldy Ladies Rugby team!

Fairtrade rugby ball given to Kirkcaldy Ladies Rugby team!

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To celebrate Fairtrade fortnight our club ordered a Fairtrade rugby ball from Bala who are the only suppliers of such balls in the UK. Having previously given a Fairtrade ball to the men’s team it was the turn of the ladies team who were warming up for a game against Howe when we caught up with them. Captain Alison Massie accepted the ball from President Heather Stewart. Also present was Avril Eardley who organised the handing over of the ball.

Does slavery happen in the UK today? Please tell us what you know.

Does slavery happen in the UK today? Please tell us what you know.

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The Soroptimist UK Programme Action Committee (UKPAC) is working in partnership with the UK Modern Slavery Training Delivery Group to find out the level of awareness and understanding of human trafficking/modern slavery, how to recognise it, how to report it and where to go for support. Can you help us by completing a very simple online survey? It will only take 5 minutes and you can be completely anonymous if you wish. The link is Thanks for your help. If you’d like to read more about modern day slavery have a look at   

Dementia Helpline

Dementia Helpline


  The club raised £750 for the Alzheimer Scotland Dementia Helpline. The Helpline provides 24/7 support for people with dementia, their friends, relatives, carers and professionals. The photograph shows Immediate past president Kay (L) with Elaine Harley, Helpline Manager. Club members also volunteer with the Alzheimer Scotland Resource Centre in Kirkcaldy. Members have recently started to support NHS Fife / Alzheimer Scotland Nurse Consultant Helen Skinner in offering Playlist for Life to patients in hospitals across Fife.

Joint Conference

Joint Conference

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The two Soroptimist Regions in Scotland, the North and South, recently held a Joint Conference at McDiarmid Park, Perth. The theme of the conference was Stepping Up and Leading the Way. One of the keynote speakers was Scotland’s former Lord Advocate, Dame Elish Angiolini, who gave an inspiring talk on women in the justice system. Dame Elish Angiolini, second from right Another speaker was from the charity Smalls for All and many conference delegates took new pants and ‘lightly worn’ bras to donate. The items of underwear will be sorted and sent to various countries in Africa to help women and children in orphanages, refugee camps, slums and schools. As of May 2017 the charity has distributed over 327,000 items of underwear. Club members in front of the underwear mountain     Save Save Save

New President!

New President!

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At our recent AGM Heather Stewart was installed as our new President. Heather has already been President of our club in recent years and this time she announced that the charity she would like the club to support over the coming year is Autism Rocks (Fife). Here is the link to read about the charity Save Save

Rosslyn Lodge Donation

Rosslyn Lodge Donation

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Kitchen items donated by club members Rosslyn Lodge is a four bed facility which provides supported accommodation for homeless women offenders with chaotic lifestyles caused by substance abuse or mental health issues. Four club members visited today to take some items for the women that they might find useful while they are living there, and in particular they will be able to take with them when they take on their own tenancies. Apart from the kitchen ware pictured there was also a slow cooker/electric frying pan, some towels and bedding which was very well received as the women only have one set of bedding each at the moment. We also took a sewing machine and some beautiful plaid material which will be perfect for making cushion covers and perhaps bags. So next Tuesday two of us will be returning to show the women how to