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What Support Did Soroptimists Give To Local Women’s Refuge?

As reports appeared in the media about the alarming increase in domestic abuse incidents during lockdown, Angela Howe contacted our local provider, Clarion Housing to ask if there was anything Soroptimists could do to help.  Lisa Fuller Project Leader at Clarion provided a list of the essential items they would be grateful for as their beds were all currently full, items such as:


  • · Food supplies such as cereal, long life milk, coffee, teabags, spaghetti, beans, biscuits.
  • · Single bedding including mattress protectors
  • · New basic mobile phones
  • · Radio
  • · Baby chair/bouncer


The call went out to all our Soroptimist members asking if they could help with any of these items or donate money towards purchasing them.  There was a positive response that included a generous financial donation.  Sue Daykin coordinated the collection of the donated items and purchased the new bedding, mobile phones, radio, and some food items. Sue and one of our newer club members Sharon Forghani delivered the goods to the Women’s refuge, ensuring all social distancing precautions were taken.Essential items for Women's Refuge May 2020


We received a lovely letter from Lisa saying, ‘I am writing to say a massive thank you to you for your kind donation of gifts. We are extremely grateful, and these were very welcomed by our families staying at our refuge.


Life can often be very chaotic and distressing for families that have fled domestic abuse, especially at this unusual and difficult time, however kind gestures from people like you and others, help them to recover and feel valued.’