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How did we raise money for the Maidstone and Medway Hygiene Banks?

During May, Medway and Maidstone Soroptimists hosted a Charity Fashion Show run by Travelling Trends. More than 50 Soroptimists with friends and family came along to support the event which was in aid of the Maidstone and Medway Hygiene Banks.

Two of the 5 models strutting their stuff along the catwalk were members Stella Barnes and Wanda Wright, who had been ‘real life’ models previously. They brought the clothing to life, and it certainly added a fun element to the evening.

All the clothes that are modelled, plus lots of other items in assorted sizes, are available to try on and buy on the evening. When the Fashion Show finishes there is an hour for some retail therapy and the opportunity to pick up some real bargains.

Travelling Trends Fundraising Fashion Shows have been in operation for more than 25 years and we have used their services several times over the years. Normally they have a vast clothing collection available from manufacturers for the most popular high street stores, individual boutiques, and designers. The clothing and accessories are all at excellent discounted prices and everything is under £30. Unfortunately, in the current financial climate, it has proved a challenge for Travelling Trends to source sufficient stock to sustain the business and it will cease at the end of the year.  However, there were plenty of clothes to choose from on the evening and many ‘happy’ customers leaving with their purchases.

With the ticket sales, raffle and % commission from the sales we raised £410 which will be shared between our two local Hygiene Banks in Maidstone and Medway. Thank you goes to Angela Howe who organised the evening and our two models, Stella and Wanda…well done.