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The US election proved a catalyst for a grassroots movement of women to assert the positive values that the politics of fear denies.  On January 21 2017, the first day of Donald Trump’s Presidency, women-led marches, welcoming all participants, took place across the world, with the largest in Washington D.C..  We, the organisers of the London march, called on people of all genders to march in London as part of an international day of action in solidarity.

We marched for the protection of our fundamental rights and for the safeguarding of freedoms threatened by recent political events. We united and stood together for the dignity and equality of all peoples, for the safety and health of our planet and for the strength of our vibrant and diverse communities.

We came together in the spirit of democracy, honouring the champions of human rights who have gone before us. Our numbers were- and still are – too great to ignore. and the message to the world is clear: We’re here, and we aren’t going anywhere!


Amnesty International, Greenpeace, ActionAid UK, Oxfam GB, Women’s Equality Party, The Green Party, Pride London, Democrats Abroad UK, Syria Solidarity Campaign, Unite the Union, Black Pride, Solidarity with Refugees, WOW, NUS, British Scientists for the EU, She Speaks We Hear, Women 4 Refugee Women, 50:50 Parliament, Women in Leadership, The Equality Trust, Verve UK, Daughters of Eve, Womankind Worldwide, The English Collective of Prostitutes, ActionForRefugeesInLewisham, Latin American Women’s Aid, International Planned Parenthood Federation, Soroptimist International, Women in Prison, Stop The War Coalition, Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, Left Unity, UK SAYS NO MORE, Inquest, Black Women’s Rape Action Project, Women Against Rape, WinVisible, QueerStrike, Women of Colour Global Women’s Strike, Women’s Aid, Morning Gloryville, Payday Men’s Network, International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network UK, London-Irish Abortion Rights Campaign, Network of Eritrean Women, Women in Leadership Publication, Fourth Wave: London Feminist Activists,  Gibraltar Women’s Association

The politics of fear and division have no place in 2017.

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