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October Speaker Meeting (18/10/2018)

David Allred, Project Manager of Middlesbrough Council, had given a fantastic talk related to the regeneration of Middlesbrough.

It was good to know how Middlesbrough has progressed over the years as far as buildings are concerned. The areas, including Middlehaven, has seen some major improvements over the years, such as the:

  • New Middlesbrough College and its sixth form centre.
  • Boho Zone, including the Boho One headquarters and the BoHouse live and work units
  • Boho 4 prestige office development at Gibson House
  • Stages Academy, providing a new start in life to homeless people
  • New Middlesbrough Police headquarters
  • Waterside office development at Manhattan Gate
  • 80-unit residential development at Community In A Cube (CIAC)
  • Myplace Youth Centre
  • Boro’s Riverside Stadium

Most exciting project we found was of the Middlesbrough Railway Station.

Future Middlesbrough Railway Station
Future Middlesbrough Railway Station


Moreover, David talked about the increase in employment in the area which was very satisfying to learn. After the talk, President Kathy Warrick presented a token of appreciation to David for showing us the bright side of Middlesbrough.

President Kathy Warrick with David Allred
President Kathy Warrick with David Allred


In the end, we had a picture taken in advance for the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. We had a lovely guest with us who joined us in the picture, too.

In Support of the International Campaign, End Violence Against Women and Girls
In Support of the International Campaign, End Violence Against Women and Girls