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Refugee Welcome “Paddington” Action – Monday 24 October 2016 Middlesbrough

Refugee Welcome “Paddington” Action – Monday 24 October Middlesbrough with Margaret Clark APD Advocacy  and Middlesbrough  lobbying Andy McDonald MP urging leaders to accept children under the terms of the Dubs amendment

pbWhy Paddington? Paddington Bear is a unaccompanied child refugee who came alone to London as a stowaway after the destruction of his family home. In the Paddington film his Aunt Lucy recalls the evacuees of world war 2, saying “Long ago, people in England sent their children by train with labels around their necks, so they could be taken care of by complete strangers in the countryside where it was safe. They will not have forgotten how to treat a stranger”. Paddington is the perfect symbol of Britain’s tradition of welcoming child refugees in the past.
