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SI Convention in Kuala Lumpur, July 2019

Soroptimist International Middlesbrough club member, Margaret Clark, attended this year’s convention in her role as SIGBI  Assistant Director of Programme Action – campaigning to eradicate Violence Against Women.  Margaret spear-headed a fundraiser among delegates there for the International President’s Appeal which involved the purchase of diary dates for

Cleveland Fire Support Network – speaker Heather Whyman, CEO

  20/06/2019: On this June evening, Heather Whyman spoke about “Raising Aspirations” referring to the route and achievements of her own Life Story.  Heather is currently the CEO of Cleveland Fire Support Network, a successful voluntary organisation providing crucial services in our area.

18/7/2019: The Bungalow Partnership – speaker Marie Blythe.

Director of The Bungalow Partnership, which supports vulnerable young people and their families dealing with major problems, presented this “Open evening” on the topic of childhood traumas such as family conflict, parental illness, separation and bereavement; and in particular on the losses of children who

Welcoming Our New President

We said a big Thank You, at our AGM in April, to outgoing President Kathy for her hard work and dedication over the past year – it’s been a good one. And extended a warm welcome to President Pam. We wish her good luck for the

Speaker Meeting – Dave Harrison (21/03/2019)

It was lovely to have Dave Harrison, the Communications Officer at Bluebell Bus, and Cheryl Burnie, the Project Director, telling us about the charity, Daft As A Brush.   Daft as a Brush Cancer Patient Care offers staffed custom-made vehicles to transport outpatients, free of

Fairtrade Fortnight (FTF)

FTF, 25 Feb – 10 March, theme is chocolate and other cocoa products; collection of FT foods for Mary Thompson Fund; Middlesbrough Plans A collection of FT foods has been made for donation to the Mary Thompson Fund. Our member Annabel Young brought campaign postcards

Orange the World

16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence kicks off on 25 November, International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, with the theme Orange the World: oranging up fountains in Centre Square, Middlesbrough, to recall the need for a violence-free future. Orange the World