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Action Through Enterprise

Action Through Enterprise


In February Sarah Gardner updated us on the work that ATE are doing to help fight poverty in Lawra, Upper West Ghana.  Since Sarah’s last visit to us they have continued and grown in what they have achieved by changing the lives of children and adults living in the poorest parts of Ghana. Through the provision of free school meals for the children, support for small businesses and care for children living with a disability. Educate – Many children in Lawra spend their days searching for food, ATE is relieving hunger, encouraging more children into education and enabling them to learn to the very best of their ability. Through the provision of free school meals, clean water and health insurance.  Attendance at supported schools has risen to an amazing 96%. Educating the children will enable them to become enterprising adults, with a chance to fight

Elizabeth Fry Charity

Elizabeth Fry Charity


For our September welcome back nibbles evening we all brought along items to donate to the Elizabeth Fry Charity, which helps and supports women who are out of prison on licence or have been released from prison.  The approved premises in Reading provides residents with supervision and structure, which by taking part in activities can help them address the difficulties they face. this also assists them to resettle in the community without reoffending.  The women will be given a pack of donated toiletries for personal use and items that would be useful for cleaning kitchens and bathrooms when they move on and settle in the community.