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President’s Welcome

President Margaret O’Sullivan

President Margaret receiving the Chain of Office from Past President Shirley Whiteway

I have been elected as President of our Club for the second time and firstly I would like to thank my Club members for this honour and for the help received in planning my year.

My first event was my Friendship Lunch at the Kinmel, in Abergele.  Thank you to everyone who attended, including Region President Janet Murfin.  The speaker was Reverend Peter Mayo-Smith who spoke about the Brontes’ of Haworth; mainly Mr. Bronte who was his hero and he felt he was very forward thinking in getting his daughters educated.

Secondly  I attended the Region Meeting in Chester when one of the highlights of the day was the judging of the Barbara Dixon Programme Action Award. Clubs in the Region of Cheshire, North Wales & Wirral had submitted displays of their activities / projects.  Ruth Healey, President of Soroptimist International Great Britain & Ireland and Sue Haywood, Past President of the Region judged the displays.  We were delighted when it was announced that Rhyl & District had won the award with the Masaka Girls Dormitory Project, UgandaThis was completely unexpected as were honoured to have been awarded 1st place in 2022 with our project on “Climate Change” and had gained 2nd place in 2023 with 3 E’s of Education Empowerment and Enabling for women and their communities.”

While we were attending the meeting in Chester, one of our members, Sylvia, was celebrating a special birthday by abseiling down the steeple at the Marble Church in Bodelwyddan to raise funds for my Charities.  We are all very proud of her and were sorry that we could not be there to support her.