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SI Richmond and Dales and The Richmondshire Museum

SI Richmond and Dales and The Richmondshire Museum

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On Thursday 20th June, Soroptimist International Richmond and Dales held its monthly meeting at the Richmondshire Museum.  This was in celebration of 50 years since the inception of the Museum led by members of SI Richmond and Dales.  We were joined by our guests for the evening, Regional President Susie Westwood and Regional PA Officer Linda Davies. The business meeting was followed by a fascinating talk by Museum Trustee Mike Wood about the origins of the Museum. This was followed by a “custom” tour of the museum led by 3 of the Trustees.  We were delighted to be joined by our Honorary Member Shirley Thubron, who was one of the original group of Soroptimist activists and is still a Trustee of the Museum 50 years on. In 1974, the Soroptimists of Richmond & Dales noted the sad fact that Richmond – despite its magnificent history

Meeting in May

Meeting in May

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We held our usual monthly meeting in May at the Holiday Inn, Scotch Corner.  The meeting began with short talks by two members about their lives and careers – it is always interesting to find our more about our diverse group.   One was a working class girl who succeeded in pursing a career in languages as a University academic, the other talked about her expertise as a teacher of Dance and local pioneer of Nordic Walking. The Wider Scene The focus of discussions this month was the wider Soroptimist community.  Joint President Lin attended the Yorkshire Region President’s Lunch, and we will be receiving a visit from the Region President at our next meeting.  This will be at the Richmondshire Museum, to help celebrate 50 years since it’s inception by members of Soroptimists Richmond & Dales.  There was also discussion of ideas to submit for

April and the AGM

April and the AGM

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Here is the update on our activities during April, which featured our AGM. Annual General Meeting Although much of an AGM is of a formal procedure, we began the meeting reflecting on the success of our International Women’s Day “Women of Richmond” Exhibition.  Members of the project team were invited to talk about their favourite featured lady, and why they had chosen them. Business then continued with the voting in of the new Executive Committee, and the presentation of the Presidential Chain to our joint presidents for 2024-25.  The retiring PA officer presented the end of year report.  She reflected that – as always – when reviewing our year’s activities, it is always impressive how much we have achieved.  It is also notable that this year the raising of funds for charitable work is balanced by equal effort in awareness raising on a variety of

Walk to Support Family Health Darlington

Walk to Support Family Health Darlington


With the guidance from Richmond and Dales Soroptimists, this year’s two Sharing our Skills students are organising a fundraising and awareness event against domestic abuse. With the support of the Head of Richmond Sixth Form College, they have arrange a walk for the Sixth Form students into Richmond Market Square on Monday 22nd April 2024 at 9am. Walkers will be wearing pink clothing, as well as high heels and fun accessories = boys included!  Non-walkers can wear suitable clothing to school in support or the walkers, in return for a £1 donation. QR codes will be printed out so the general public will be able to donate and read about the cause in more depth. The event will be captured by the Richmond School photographer and will also be advertised on the Soroptimists and Richmond School websites and social media pages. The students contacted Family

Update on March

Update on March

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Here is our usual monthly update on March activities, the final month of our 2023-24 year before our AGM in April. International Women’s Day Exhibition The main programme event in March was our International Women’s Day Exhibition, which was a real success.  This has already been posted about separately, so does not require further detailed reporting.  However, it was decided at our meeting in March to build on this success by planning another Exhibition for 2025.  The working group will retain the exhibition entries as a permanent record by laminating them.  They also plan to expand the project next year to include ‘hidden women’ – those who work behind the scenes and who had not been represented this time. March Meeting Speaker Our guest speaker was Steph Pybus, who talked about “Starting a Business and Running a Family”.  Steph is the proprietor of Mini Explorers

Northallerton & District Breast Cancer Support Group

Northallerton & District Breast Cancer Support Group


The Northallerton & District Breast Cancer Support Group has been our main charity this year, and President Babs recently attended their monthly meeting at The Village Inn, Brompton to present a cheque for £625. This sum was raised with a Bingo Night run by the President and her husband, with support from many people including family & friends and other group members. This money will be used by the Breast Cancer Support Group to provide as much assistance as possible to breast cancer patients that may need extra help.  This can be financial assistance – from paying fares when travelling to treatment or for extra childcare while they are being treated, for example.  The group members are all themselves former Breast Cancer sufferers, so they also provide mental support to patients by inviting them to join the group to access the members experience and support.

International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day

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To celebrate International Women’s Day this year we held a free exhibition at Richmond Town Hall.  This was entitled  “Women of Richmond”, featuring photos and biographies of  Richmond women past and present who have made a contribution to the local community through their careers or voluntary activities.  This includes working in health services, serving in local government and the House of Lords, charity work, education, entrepreneurship, and sports clubs.  A number of former and current members of Soroptimist International Richmond and Dales were among the 103 women represented. The exhibition took place on Friday, 8th March, which is International Women’s Day, in two sessions in afternoon and evening.  Tea and cakes were served in the afternoon,  and wine and nibbles in the evening.  The event was a tremendous success, with 228 visitors.  Between donations and two raffles we were also able to make a profit

Update for February

Update for February

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Here is the club’s update for February.  After a very busy planning meeting in January, February was rather quieter. ‘In-House’ Speakers Instead of an outside speaker, this month we heard from two of our newer members about themselves.  One talked about living in Australia, and her recent work as a writer and poet. She stressed the importance of sharing words of encouragement and affirmation with and about each other, to spread positivity.  She then read her poem “The Power of Words”. The other member talked of her journey to becoming a nurse, and agreed about the importance of words – and of listening.  She was drawn to her career by a desire to care for others, which is also why she became a Soroptimist.  Soroptimists are all united in caring and trying to help the less fortunate. Swap Night Members had also brought along books,

Annual Planning Meeting

Annual Planning Meeting


After our break for Christmas and New Year, the club gathered on Saturday, 20th January for our Annual Planning Meeting.  This is an extended meeting which we hold each January to plan everything for the next club year – i.e. April 2024 – March 2025.  With a mix of discussions and brainstorming sessions, we manage to cover a lot of ground. Programme Action We started with an overview of what we have done in the current year’s Programme Action, and what we already have in the calendar for the rest of 2023-24 and beyond.  It is always surprising when we get to this point in the year and reflect on all we have done.  This year it was: Funding activities We held a Bingo Night at Richmond Rugby Club, 2 Town Hall coffee mornings, and generated income for the Club via members use of EasyFundRaising

November Activities

November Activities

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Here is an update on our November activities, in what proved to be a busy month.  As we don’t meet in December, here are some Christmas Greetings from the club:     16 Days of Activism/Orange Cafes As already posted, we have been busy supporting the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence.  We held a fundraiser coffee morning at the Richmond Town Hall which doubled as an “Orange Cafe”.  We raised a total of £263 for our charities, as well as promoting the campaign.  To mark it’s end, we held a further “Orange Cafe” meeting on Sunday 20th December at Morro Lounge in Richmond.  This was attended by 7 members, who share a pre-Christmas chat and cuppa. Remembrance Day Our President, Babs Hunt, represented the club at the annual Remembrance Service in Richmond.  She laid a wreath at the War Memorial on our behalf