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February Meeting

February Meeting

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The February meeting saw a good turnout of members plus several guests.  We were also joined by our new cohort of 5 students from Richmond School. They will be joining us for the next 3 months for our ongoing ‘Sharing Our Skills’ project.  This gives the students an opportunity to see how we work – see the structure of Executive and business meetings, and take part in charitable and campaigning activities. Upcoming Events Our International Women’s Day event will be on 24th March. We will at long last be able to welcome Dame Tanni Grey-Thompson to speak to us at the Scotch Corner Hotel.  Due to the pandemic, this event has been postponed for 2 years!  Over 130 tickets have been sold. We will also be selling copies of “Spider Woman”, the autobiography of our patron, Baroness Hale, at the event, and running a raffle.

Dame Tanni Grey-Thompson

Dame Tanni Grey-Thompson


Before the arrival of Covid, we scheduled ‘An Evening with Dame Tanni Grey-Thompson‘ as our tribute to International Women’s Day.  Inevitably this had to be postponed, then postponed again, but we are pleased to announce that this event will take place on March 24th 2022 at The Holiday Inn Scotch Corner.  The timing is arrival from 6pm for 6:30 start, with a meal served at 7pm.  If you bought tickets for this event, dust them off and contact us to confirm that you will be attending. Please email us on  We are really looking forward to welcoming you to this event!

SI Richmond and Dales January update

SI Richmond and Dales January update


Happy New Year to all!    As we had no meeting to December, this is the first post of 2022, SI Richmond and Dales January update. Quiz Night We held a fundraising Quiz & Supper at The Holiday Inn Scotch Corner at the end of November. Approximately 70 contestants too part in the quiz, and a total of £404 was raised. The Hotel served a very good Pie & Pea Supper, and the quiz was set and run for us by local regular quizmaster Dave Tucker.  First prize was a voucher for dinner for two in Fratello’s, the Scotch Corner Hotel restaurant.  Members of SI Richmond & Dales marked the occasion by wearing orange to highlight the international campaign 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence.         Xmas Meal We were able to celebrate Christmas with a meal at The Station, Richmond,

November meeting and talk

November meeting and talk

November meeting and talk Our November meeting and talk were held at the Holiday Inn, Scotch Corner.  This was an open meeting with guests, to hear a fascinating talk from Elizabeth Smith, Public Events Coordinator (North East) of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission.  It was surprising to discover that they not only work to maintain the many war grave cemeteries and memorials in the UK and Europe, but in many other parts of the world as well, from South America to the Far East.  It is also remarkable that new burials continue to take place, as bodies from both World War I and World War II are still being discovered.  Many of our members and guests have visited these sites, and been moved by what they represent.  An excellent talk! Good news from SI Harare Chris Bowran updated us on good news from our sister

Soroptimists in October

Soroptimists in October

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Here is an update of what’s happened for our Soroptimists in October. Monthly Meeting Talk We met at the Scotch Corner Holiday Inn Hotel, which is likely to become our new regular meeting place.  The meeting began with a talk by member Barbara (Babs) Hunt about the Institute of Advanced Motoring (of which she is a member), and the courses offered to brush up driving skills.  The IAM offers a range of courses to different types of road users, and the local group, based in Northallerton, is active in promoting its services and road safety concerns. Babs suggested that members consider taking a course, or at least trying a free taster session.  Probably a good idea! Invitations to join activities in the community Just the Job is holding an Open Day on 6th November at their Gallowfields site, and has asked the Soroptimists for volunteers to

September Meeting

September Meeting

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Meeting Speaker SI R&D held it’s September meeting at the Colburn Village Hall on 16th September.  The meeting began with a fascinating talk by local ex-army man Bryan Selkirk.  He has been working for over 20 years with  Charity Chernobyl Aid UK to support families from the Chernobyl area, which is now part of Belarus.  Bryan hosted visiting children who came for holidays for a number of years, when they were able to have helath checks, and explore the area.  He then went on to help set up a wheelchair-friendly home for disabled children – for whom conditions are otherwise very bad – and a respite home for families.  For the next 10 years Bryan drove a truck as part of a humanitarian convoy to Belarus carrying donations of clothes and equipment.  Sadly, the pandemic forced these to stop, but he hopes that they will

July Meeting Face to Face

July Meeting Face to Face


We were able to hold our July meeting face to face – the first time since February 2020.  It was lovely! We met at Colburn Village Hall on a beautiful sunny evening for a meal and get-together, with a low key business session. Angie Dale and Colburn Community Action We began with a short talk from Angie Dale, mastermind and leader of Colburn’s response to the Covid crisis.  This comprised a PPE sewing bee, which produced 250 PPE garments a week for local health services. She also established a food-share bank (to which we contributed), which enabled many local families in hardship to collect essential supplies to keep them going during lockdown. She added a clothing and household goods exchange to the list, all based in the Village Hall.  As if this was not enough, the community group she leads provided lunches for local schoolchildren

Mr Yorke’s Open Garden

Mr Yorke’s Open Garden

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We were pleased to be able to participate in Mr Yorke’s Open Garden day in Richmond in June.  This event was part of the Richmond 950 celebrations, and SI Richmond and Dales manned a refreshment stall in aid of our President’s charity, Just the Job. Members baked and donated cakes for the stall, together with tea and coffee supplies.  We also raffled two hampers filled by members donations.  Luckily the weather was good, and we were able to raise £445.50.  We had a superb selection of cakes, prompting many compliments from the visitors. Marcia and Dennis McLuckie, whose garden this is, expressed their sincere thanks to SI Richmond & Dales for taking care of all the refreshments. As we have not yet been able to meet in person for a club meeting, we also took advantage of this event to present President Sharon with the

June Meeting via Zoom

June Meeting via Zoom

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History Talk Once again, we held our June meeting via Zoom.  We began with a fascinating and informative talk by Mike Wood of the Richmondshire Museum, for which we were joined by some of our Friendship Link members.  Mike spoke about Richmond’s history as part of the Richmond 950 Anniversary celebrations. Commemoration After the talk we had a minute’s silence in memory of SIGBI President Johanna Raffan, MBE, who sadly died recently, during her year of office.  She is a great loss to Soroptimism. Programme Action & Activities Our new President Sharon has been busy keeping up with the Yorkshire Committee and Programme Action group. She has also registerered for the SIGBI and Centenary Conferences later this year.  She was sorry to announce that our planned coffee morning for July has been cancelled due to the extension of Covid restrictions. Happily, dates have been offered