Welcome to SI San Fernando
Soroptimist International of San Fernando welcomes you to our website!
Our Club is a member of the Soroptimist International of Great Britain and Ireland Federation (SIGBI). We are an international organization of women who strive to improve the lives of women and girls.
SIGBI has 8,000 Members in 350 Clubs in 28 countries including Great Britain, Ireland and countries in Africa, Asia, the Caribbean and Malta, who work at a local, national and international level to educate, empower and enable opportunities for women and girls. We have consultative status at the Economic & Social Council at the United Nations. This gives us a voice on important discussion papers and allows the organization to attend the Commission on the Status of Women in New York held annually in March.
SISF is one of two Soroptimist Clubs that exist and focus their efforts in the communities of in San Fernando & Environs, Trinidad W.I.
We invite you to visit our page regularly, to keep abreast of our projects, events and activities.
We welcome your charitable contributions toward our programme expenses as your generosity enables us to empower women and girls to achieve their dreams of a better life.