Who is a Soroptimist?
A Soroptimist is a member of Soroptimist International – an international all-female organization. The name Soroptimist was coined from the Latin “soror” meaning sister, and “optima” meaning best. Soroptimist is perhaps best interpreted as ‘the best for women’.
She is lively, energetic and committed to improving the lives and futures of women and girls throughout the world.
She campaigns, she lobbies, she implements, she supports and she cares about the injustices that some women the world over have to endure.
A Soroptimist strives for Human rights for all, Equality, Development and Peace, International goodwill, Understanding and Friendship.
A Soroptimist has a spirit of compassion and a belief that no matter how small or how slowly change occurs – it is a positive sign and it reinforces our actions.
Women and girls will achieve their individual and collective potential, realize aspirations and have an equal voice in creating strong, peaceful communities worldwide.

Soroptimists transform the lives and status of women and girls through education, empowerment and enabling opportunities
Soroptimist Pledge
I pledge allegiance to Soroptimism and to the ideals for which it stands:
– The Sincerity of Friendship
– The Joy of Achievement
– The Dignity of Service
– The Integrity of Profession
– The Love of Country.
I will put forth my greatest effort to promote, uphold, and defend these ideals, for a larger fellowship in home, in society, in business, for country and for God.