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SN February Regional Meeting

SN February Regional Meeting


On Saturday February 20th Regional President Katie Lang, presided over a meeting with 48 members from across Scotland North in attendance. SI Dundee President, Frances Menter read the mission statement at the start of the Council meeting. Each club gave a short presentation of their PA work and how this was continuing despite the Covid pandemic. One big advantage of Zoom meetings has been that clubs have been able to invite other clubs to their meetings and speakers have been Zooming in from far and near. Region Programme Officer Janice Wilson gave a presentation on how to complete PFRs on the SIGBI website. Members were reminded that if a PFR was not completed then the activity would not be registered at Regional or Federation level. The afternoon speakers were co-founders of the Free to Live Trust, Pam Cairns and Avril Duncan. Pam gave a brief history

Supporting those in Need during the Pandemic.

Supporting those in Need during the Pandemic.


Associate member Jean Campbell’s virtual Pilates class friends have been delighted to drop off bedding, etc., to her garage.  The donated items were then ‘isolated’ for two weeks before being sorted and delivered to the Churches Action for the Homeless (CATH) Day Centre in Perth for the benefit of those who use CATH’s services.’ Jean also donated cutlery and crockery  to Starter Packs, Perth, a small,volunteer-led charity which provides the essentials for people who have fallen on hard times.’ Well done Jean.

Soroptimists Support Churches Action for The Homeless

Soroptimists Support Churches Action for The Homeless


Churches Action for The Homeless (CATH) Day Centre Perth has been in desperate need of warm winter clothing and bed linen to help the city’s homeless through the cold winter weather. Soroptimist, Jean Campbell, had collected more than 30 warm coats & jackets, plus socks & scarves just before Christmas. In addition Jean collected bags of warm jumpers, hats & gloves, a single duvet, pillow & bed linen all of which she took along to the CATH Day Centre on Hogmanay. Jean was so pleased she had taken the items along to the Centre as the staff had a gentleman who was in urgent need of bedding.  As Jean says, some of us have so much to be grateful for, don’t we?’