Mothers and children from the local women’s refuge, accompanied by a care worker were guests
of the club on an outing to Manor Farm Park. There is a working farm within the park, a Victorian house and school room, a play area, a shop and a cafe as well as a network of fields and paths.
The children were introduced to some of the animals on the farm – cows, sheep, pigs, chickens,ducks,
goats, rabbits, donkeys, ponies and turkeys by one of the farmers. She encouraged the children
to stroke the bigger animals and to handle the baby rabbits, fluffy chicks and ducklings. It
was lovely to see the children gaining confidence during the course of the day. One little girl
was thrilled by the teddy bear hunt and also made a beautiful butterfly in the Victorian schoolroom.
The club provided a picnic lunch which everyone enjoyed and the weather stayed fine during the
crucial period!. It was a great opportunity for club members to meet the mothers and children
in a relaxed setting. It also brought home to us how important and how necessary women’s refuges
of the club on an outing to Manor Farm Park. There is a working farm within the park, a Victorian house and school room, a play area, a shop and a cafe as well as a network of fields and paths.
The children were introduced to some of the animals on the farm – cows, sheep, pigs, chickens,ducks,
goats, rabbits, donkeys, ponies and turkeys by one of the farmers. She encouraged the children
to stroke the bigger animals and to handle the baby rabbits, fluffy chicks and ducklings. It
was lovely to see the children gaining confidence during the course of the day. One little girl
was thrilled by the teddy bear hunt and also made a beautiful butterfly in the Victorian schoolroom.
The club provided a picnic lunch which everyone enjoyed and the weather stayed fine during the
crucial period!. It was a great opportunity for club members to meet the mothers and children
in a relaxed setting. It also brought home to us how important and how necessary women’s refuges