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New member Claire inducted

New member welcomeAt the club business meeting in July, we inducted new member Claire Cage (right). She is shown receiving her badge, as confirmation of her membership, from President for the Month Wendie Douglas (left). Claire has already been active in the club’s activities, including helping at the Southampton half marathon event with the region in June. She joins the “Chichester three” as newcomers to the club, and we wish them all a long and happy membership here.

The business meeting also saw the collection of another £5 bag of 5p pieces – a regional initiative for the house we support at Mamelodi, a village community for AIDS orphans in our Friendship Link region of South Africa.  The club sends round a piggy bank at each meeting, and over the last year or so has collected at least £40 to take to regional meetings – we are starting to keep a record now so that we can report the activity on a Programme Focus Report Form!