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Tea beside the sea for elderly locals

Thirty one people enjoyed afternoon tea at the Wheel House, Hill Head, thanks to the club’s annual Contact the Elderly tea party.

Members entertained 21 members of Gosport and Fareham Contact the Elderly plus their drivers along with ten members from one of the Southampton groups.

Club volunteers cooked and served an afternoon tea – providing a variety of sandwiches, cakes, sausage rolls and scones with jam and cream. And numerous cups of tea.

There was a lot of happy chat between the members and the drivers who sat amongst them.

Volunteer Stella Astbury said: “I had a call from one of our elderly gentleman members to tell me it was the best tea he had been to over the years he has been with us.

“He said it was a warm friendly atmosphere and he could not believe it was free.”

The weather stayed fine and the rain held off until the event was over.

Tea party organiser Alison Jenkins said: “A big thank you to all members who helped by providing plates of sandwiches, cakes or sausage rolls, and to those who spent their afternoon helping by laying tables serving food, and making numerous pots of tea.”

Contact the Elderly charity is dedicated to tackling loneliness and isolation among older people. Volunteers organise monthly Sunday afternoon tea parties for those over 75 who live alone.

The club holds a tea party each August at the venue beside the Solent overlooking the Isle of Wight.


Club members preparing tea
Club members preparing tea






Alison Jenkins, left, with Rosemary Bell
Alison Jenkins, left, with Rosemary Bell

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Visitors from Southampton
Visitors from Southampton