Drake Hall Prison
Drake Hall is a closed women’s prison, and also has young offenders. We work with the prison chaplaincy and the prison’s management and through them we can respond to the needs of the women and their families. Our current projects are:
- Angel Tree
- Diversionary activities
- Visitors’ Welcome Centre
Angel Tree
Angel Tree is run nationally by the Prison Fellowship, https://prisonfellowship.org.uk/our-work/angel-tree/ and gives parents in prison the opportunity to send a Christmas present to their children, something that the prison rules would not normally allow. We help run this service in Drake Hall.
Each present is individually chosen according to the child’s age and interests, as given to us by the mothers (through the prison chaplaincy). We buy the presents and wrap them and deliver to the Prison Fellowship volunteers for posting to the children.

Christmas is especially difficult for both prisoners and their children, and Angel Tree is a very effective way of keeping the family relationships alive. Mothers and children alike appreciate this service very much!
Diversionary Activities
The mental health of prisoners is a major concern, especially women. Our members provide materials that the chaplains and others can use with women who have been identified as needing diversionary activities, including those who are at risk of suicide. We are always looking for such things as books, colouring books, crayons, puzzle books, jigsaw puzzles, craft materials such as knitting wools, anything that can occupy the mind and the fingers.
Visitors’ Welcome Centre
We were delighted to be asked by the prison management team to join them in their efforts to ensure that all the women have regular visits from family and friends. Closer ties to her family helps a woman stay safe when she leaves the prison. Having family and friends support her as she takes up her life again is vital in ensuring that she avoids falling back into crime.
A group of our members work a rota to provide a welcome on visiting days, when the prisoners’ families and friends (who may have travelled many miles) come to see them. We can generally cover the visiting times each week, some days are busier than others.
Hot drinks and a smile now greet people who often travel many miles to visit their relative in Drake Hall. This can be an anxious time, nerves are on edge and a chance for visitors to wind down and relax is of benefit to both them and the prisoners. The building where the waiting room is situated is plain, but there are comfortable chairs and some books for children. We have bought some bright mugs and some toiletries to improve facilities.
As visitors have got used to our presence they have been very open about how much that hot drink, a smile and a chat can make the difference in a stressful situation. The visitors’ comments say it all: “very grateful”: “really appreciate this after a long journey” “lovely friendly welcome”