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Guernsey Friendship Link

Members at the Liberation Monument

Seven members of Stockport club travelled to Guernsey to join the Guernsey club members and the island’s Deputy Bailiff, Richard Collas, on March 2nd, in planting a tree to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the evacuation of women and children from Guernsey to Stockport just prior to to German invasion during the Second World War. The evacuation had already been commemorateed in Stockport last year. A small crowd turned up to watch and the event was well reported in the local press and radio. We had an enjoyable few days there and were well looked after by Guernsey club members. The two clubs hope to work together on joint projects in the future.

That evening we joined Guernsey club as some of the 177 attendees at a dinner to celebrate International Womens Day. The speaker was Baroness Jill Pitkeathley and the Deputy Bailiff attended as well.


Planting of the tree