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Colourful cozy toes

Colourful cozy toes


Wow, what a fabulous array of colours and patterns on these cozy bed socks knitted by Club members and friends. To date 100 pairs have been knitted with 50 pairs donated to Pinnex Moor/ Ashdown Care Home and another local care home is to be approached to see if they would like some for their residents.

Skittles match with Barnstaple SI

Skittles match with Barnstaple SI


Five members of SI Tiverton traveled up to Barnstaple on a chilly October evening to play a friendly skittles match against SI Barnstaple club members. We took the trophy with us…and brought it back again after narrowly winning the match! The score was close throughout the evening and in the last round Tiverton members just pipped Barnstaple members by 4 points. We all enjoyed a tasty stew supplied by the Rolle Quay pub and many prizes were won from the raffle. It was agreed that proceeds from the raffle would be donated to the SIGBI Emergency Fund on behalf of both Clubs.

October Quiz Night

October Quiz Night


A fantastic quiz and delicious supper was enjoyed by many on Saturday 15th October raising £424.37 which will go towards our three local charities; Sundarban, Unite Young Carers and the Market-Drop-in Centre.

Marie, Di and Daphne in Jersey – our new friendship link

Marie, Di and Daphne in Jersey – our new friendship link


Di and Daphne attended the Friendship weekend in Jersey. It was a very well organised weekend and very enjoyable. Daphne was able to spend time with our ex member Marie, who was delighted to see us supporting her club. The photo above is of Di and Daphne at the wine Tasting on the Friday evening and they later had a buffet supper in a windmill. The photo below was taken at the Saturday evening Dinner at the St Brelade hotel. The members are so friendly; Di and Daphne are delighted they made the effort to come and support them. They will make an excellent friendship link.  

A rainbow of bedsocks

A rainbow of bedsocks


President Jenny Evans and Daphne Dowsing of Tiverton Soroptimist club presented Hayley, Tina and Mary, staff at Pinnex Moor Nursing home, with nearly 40 pairs of bedsocks on Thursday for the residents. The gift was the result of an inspirational idea from Hayley after the club had previously given them Twiddlemuffs. Jenny said “We are hoping that this project may eventually be able to give a pair of bedsocks to every resident in a care home in Tiverton.”  

New post for Di

New post for Di


Di Hill has been elected as a Director Without Portfolio (DWP) and will serve as member of the Federation Management Board (FMB) from this November. FMB leads and directs the activities of the Federation to promote the vision, mission and goals of Soroptimist International and aims of the Federation. DWPs play a full part in the management of the Federation, including contributing to strategy and policy-making. They ensure good governance and sound financial management.