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Fabulous Summer Lunch

Fabulous Summer Lunch


Margaret and Paul kindly hosted the annual summer lunch at their beautiful home and main courses & puddings were provided by those attending. We all had a lovely time with lots of conversation and laughter. It was great to have a chance to socialise and to meet each other’s spouse’s or partners. Many thanks to Jenny, who as photographer, is missing from this collage of photos but who had her photo taken at home by Derek before the lunch.  

Feast of St James

Feast of St James


Several Club members sold delicious home made cakes; lots of Tombola tickets and home grown plants raising a total of £240.40 towards supporting our club charities. Thank you so much to all those that donated goods and who purchased cakes etc, we appreciate your support.  

Presentation on how to use Facebook

Presentation on how to use Facebook


Erika gave a presentation on how to join and use Facebook, particularly to help us spread the word of Soroptimism and to encourage new members to a wider audience. Club members bought along their laptops and i-pads and followed the step-by-step demonstration. Handouts with simple, easy to follow instructions were given to each member. Now we’ll wait to see how they all get on 🙂

Flower Quiz winner

Flower Quiz winner


It was a pleasure to meet Jan Parsons, our Flower, Plant and Tree Quiz winner, and present her with her winning cheque. Jan told Erika how much she and her husband had enjoyed completing the quiz and are looking forward to the Christmas Quiz.

Knitting bedsocks for Tiverton Nursing Home residents

Knitting bedsocks for Tiverton Nursing Home residents


We’re now knitting bedsocks to keep the cold toes of Tiverton Nursing Home residents toasty. If you’d like to knit please take a look our very simple pattern, then please email Erika at to arrange drop off or collection of finished bedsocks. Or if you can’t knit but would still like to help please email Erika to arrange to drop off 100g balls of Chunky or 2x50g balls of double knitting which she will pass on to our team of knitters.

Cheque presentation to Club chosen charities

Cheque presentation to Club chosen charities


On behalf of the Club, Di Hill presented cheques to our three chosen charities, the result of the Club’s fund-raising activities during Di’s year as President, 2015/16. Club were delighted to present £400 to each of the three charities. Following the presentation, Jenny thanked Julie, Roy and Bridget for giving Club an update of the present situation, work and future aspirations of each Charity. What shone through was the dedication and hard work, together with the support of their volunteers. Read more about these charities here

Flower, Plant and Tree Quiz

Flower, Plant and Tree Quiz


This year’s Membership Month Quiz was a great success, stretching the brains of many. Not all handed their quiz sheets in but of those that did, we had four potential winners of the £25 prize. All four got 50 out of a possible 52 so very well done. The winner was picked “out of the hat” by our new member, Janine, and was Jan Parsons. Thank you to all that purchased a quiz sheet and to Busy Bees of Tiverton for kindly acting as a collection point. After deducting the prize money, we made a total of £133 for our Club charities. Please click on the link for the answers to the quiz. SI Flower Quiz 2016 answers Very many apologies for the mistake in number 24, it should have said 7 letters! However, many of the entries guessed the correct answer anyway.




We have had about 110 Twiddlemuffs given to us. A friend of Jenny’s has actually knitted over 50 of them. Another lady rang Bridget to see if we would like her to make some and she has made 20. We have taken and given several to the Larches and also Pinnex Moor nursing homes where they were received with great appreciation. In fact the residents were surprised and delighted when we told each person it was a gift. Jenny is hoping to take the rest to other local nursing homes. Our next project may be bed socks as this was suggested at one of the homes. Jenny did say that could be a problem but was told, we only need ‘tube socks’ so as soon as she has worked out a pattern then we hope we can get going on them too.