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Our Orange Cafe at Killerton House in March
March Orange Cafe at Killerton House near Exeter

March Orange Cafe at Killerton House near Exeter


Everything was perfect for our Orange Cafe in Killerton House near Exeter. The weather was perfect and we made good use of the surroundings to enjoy a cup of coffee together. Our photo was taken by two visitors who were interested in who we were and why we were there and enjoying ourselves. Some of us were able to work in the beautiful gardens and enjoy the spring flowers. We had time to discuss the forthcoming 60th anniversary of the Chartering of our club. We are all looking forward to our lunch at the Tiverton Golf Club on the 8th of June

February update

February update


February saw us on a zoom meeting with SI Taunton, we heard how Mary’s Meals has been growing over the years and now feeds around 2 million children ensuring that they stay at school and have a proper meal at least once a day.  Members were delighted to make a donation to the Charity and look forward to hearing more in the future. We keep in touch with our member Elaine who has moved to Dorset and is doing well.  Planning is underway for our first planning meeting on the 8th of March, this is to plan our club’s 60th anniversary. We are having lunch on Saturday 8th of June We will also be celebrating International Women’s Day at the Tiverton Golf Club at the same time and enjoying a coffee together We are looking at a trip to Killerton House to have our second

January 2024 News

January 2024 News


We had an Orange Cafe in our local department store in January. The aim of the cafe was to highlight the problems women face with domestic violence. Members wore the colour orange and we gave out bookmarks which highlighted what is a normal relationship against one that is controlling and can result in physical violence. This was part of the 16 days of activism that all Soroptimist members took part in worldwide.  We had lots of interest from the other people in the cafe and we enjoyed the opportunity to get together as a Soroptimist group. We are planning to hold another next month.  

October News

October News


In October we held our Beetle Drive at St James’ Church Hall. Our thanks to everyone who attended. We had a most successful evening and raised nearly £500 for our chosen charities. This has become an annual event on our soroptimist calendar and we look forward to running this Beetle Drive evening again next year. Our next club meeting (Wednesday 13th October) will be held at Tiverton Golf Club. Our November meeting will be held on Zoom.

September News

September News


We were delighted to be at the Unite Carers in Mid Devon AGM and 20th Anniversary celebrations at The Hartnoll Hotel on 21st September. We heard some very moving speeches with personal recollections. We were all connected by our caring experiences. Thank you very much to our friends at Unite for inviting us. SIGBI Communications & Membership Soroptimist International SWCI Region  

July 2023 Club Meeting Update

July 2023 Club Meeting Update


July 2023 Club Meeting Update     We were delighted to welcome Julia Tremlett of the National Garden Scheme to our July Club Meeting at Tiverton Golf Club this week. Julia gave an inspirational talk about the scheme’s interesting history, leading from its inception right up to a slide show of beautiful gardens open this year. If you would like to join us for one of our talks please contact us.

Cuddly Toy Stall in the Cullompton Market

Cuddly Toy Stall in the Cullompton Market


Cuddly Toy Stall in Cullompton Market   SI Tiverton’s recent Cuddly Toy Stall in the market in Cullompton proved to be a very successful day. We raised money for our local carer’s charity Young Carers and Unite Carers. All the toys are checked and cleaned and were donated by a friend of the club Peggy. We had a good variety to tempt the children and the not so young to part with £1 to pick a straw. The colour of the straw denoted the size of the cuddly toy and the winner got to choose. Everyone is a winner! Soroptimists Ann and Daphne manned the stall for the morning.  Some new hats, pottery and bags were donated to the club by our club member Caroline and they were a great success. We were lucky with the weather until the final lunchtime shower and we were

We’re delighted to announce the winner of our Christmas Quiz

We’re delighted to announce the winner of our Christmas Quiz


Thank you to everyone who took part in our quiz, we hope you had fun working out the answers. We received three entries with all the questions answered correctly, a draw was made to decide the winner, who is: – Julie Stark Taunton A cheque for £25.00 will be posted out to the winner in the near future. We are pleased to announce that the quiz raised £450 which will be divided between our three charities: – Balloons Mercy Ships North Devon Women’s Refuge Thank you to everyone who generously supported our quiz, to David Cousins, the quiz compiler, to Robert Tinley for the colour printing and Bray Accountants Ltd for donating the prize and additional printing. Patricia Dillon, Club Secretary SI Tiverton