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ROLL UP, ROLL UP – GLOBAL BLANKET ‘@the exchange’- North Shields

New Start Bags – made 44 already – another 40+ to come thanks to £3000 grant from The Community Foundation – Newcastle Building Society and an anonymous philanthropic patron.


Follow The Global Blanket’s journey to 10 Downing Street and beyond!
Are your clothes ‘TRAFFIK’ free – ask yourself about your shopping habits!
CLOSE UP – and it will grow.
COMING SOON – International Women’s Day in your area – get your boots on and join in the march followed by a night out @the exchange. Members and friends welcome – get your tickets now!
Stop the Traffik – Global Blanket Campaign – check out their website below.
Members. friends. guests and the the pop in public enjoying an afternoons entertainment, displays and interesting conversation. Thank you to all who joined us.
You will make a fantastic SOROPTIMIST and thank you for your support Lauren Simpson founder of Ayont Arts( a community arts movement based in the North East which uses techniques such as Socially Engaged Arts, Drama in Education, Sound and Noise art to help inspire and encourage social change, community cohesion and individual progression)
Lily Taylor and David, beautiful voice and instrumental set the tone for an entertaining Sunday afternoon @the exchange. Thank you.
Penny Renfry from North Tyneside Women’s Voices informing us of the amazing celebrations to come for the 100 years celebration of women gaining the vote.
Emily Palmer-Giles(singer) & Bethan Amber Carr of ‘Stealthy Rollers’ finishing off our afternoon with some powerful renditions – thank you!