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Our first and last delivery to The Red Box Project

Our first and last delivery to The Red Box Project

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Club member Louise shopped with our £150 raised for The Red Box Project, fitting in with our support of ‘Stop the Traffik‘ by shopping the Conscious Range at H&M. Wonderful news that the government will be providing free menstrual products in school from 2020. Thanks to Josie Robinson at VODA who ran The North Tyneside Red Box Project – we look forward to hearing all about future volunteering opportunutues.
HOT OFF THE PRESS – Our very own hand printed club POSTCARD

HOT OFF THE PRESS – Our very own hand printed club POSTCARD

Always looking to spread the amazing work of our club we came up with the idea of designing our own postcard. What better way than to invite local printer Michelle Wood of Sea Tern Print CIC, a social enterprise business. a Community Interest Company (CIC) Members were asked to do a little sketch to represent their idea of the ENVIRONMENT, our theme for the year. Using the Dynamic S as much as possible Michelle has created a wonderful, colourful,positive image of our clubs situation on the North East coast – check out the dynamic S’s – I think I can count 15! Michelle brought her portable printing press, gave a wonderful presentation about her aim to provide creative print sessions for people of all ages and abilities to promote well being and good mental health. All profits go to helping e.g. supporting charities, doing open
Joining in the fun and supporting Whitley Lodge fair.

Joining in the fun and supporting Whitley Lodge fair.

What an afternoon – really warm, unlike last year when that cold easterly wind hit the fair. Lots of visits to our stall and so many had heard who the Soroptimists are! All of the club’s hard work to become more visual in the local areas has defo paid off thanks to the continued support and action of club members. Our aim was not to make money but £47.70 goes to our main charity this year – TOILET TWINNING. ….and who was on fire? BARBARA!! one of our most loyal and hard working members, turning up time after time to promote our club and sell our mission statement EDUCATE – ENABLE -EMPOWER women. As the club’s theme this year is THE ENVIRONMENT what better way to engage visitors than a few fun games! …and here’s another game. Lift up an egg – get a sweet
What an Awesome Evening – Showcasing Soroptimism at the coast.

What an Awesome Evening – Showcasing Soroptimism at the coast.

Our 'bee' inspired raffle as May 20th is World Bee Day raised £116 for the President's charities. Bee inspired pottery gifts by talented member Liz! £70 was raised for Borderline Books, a charity that supplies books to prisons and other worthy causes. We collect copper and this year £120 was given to Nepal Javae. We continue to knit for the Kori Development Project in Sierra Leone Trustee members of The Manzini Youth Project accepting a cheque for £790 from IPP Judy Such creative ways of raising money - gifts from the women of Manzini, Swaziland. Tasty Seville marmalade fro member Cynthia; always a favourite. Bee mugs for sale - what a bargain, only £2:50! We spent £150 raised at our Christmas meal at H&M Conscious range ensure the underwear was not made in factories where women and children are exploited or kept against their will
Mental Health Awareness Week – Harnham Buddhist Monastery Visit

Mental Health Awareness Week – Harnham Buddhist Monastery Visit


Several members accompanied John to Harnham Buddhist Monastery as part of the club’s ‘well-being’ journey.  A busy day at Harnham as preparations for Vesak Festival,  a religious and cultural festival celebrated on the day of the full moon in the month of May. Vesak Day is one of the biggest days of the year and is celebrated by Buddhists all over the world. Buddhists commemorate the important events that took place in the life of Lord Buddha on this day.

Farewell to ‘Blooming Monkseaton’

Farewell to ‘Blooming Monkseaton’


Regional President Shirley Hallam and a member of Sorptimist International Tynemouth, Whitley Bay & District member started Blooming Monkseaton, where a small piece of parkland, Souter Park was transformed into a haven of tranquitilty.  What better than to spend an hour with the children of a local nursery on a ‘colour treasure hunt’ and to look for the native British bluebells planted last year.  Shirley is reassured that the nursery will tend to the park and ensure many more children enjoy this tranquil area of nature.  

Club member Margaret Parsons appointed SIGBI Archivist!

Club member Margaret Parsons appointed SIGBI Archivist!


Congratulations to our very own Margaret Parsons, club secretary, whom has secured a place in our Federation as ARCHIVIST. Margaret was voted into post by the Federation Management Board.   Archivists acquire, manage and maintain documents and other materials that have historical and cultural importance for individuals, organisations and nations. A large part of the work is related to preserving information and making it accessible to users, increasingly in digital format. Archives may include valuable historical books, papers, maps and plans, as well as photographs, prints, films and computer-generated records. Users include researchers, academics, other professional staff and the general public.