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Local Community Interest- Reading awards at Windwhistle School

Local Community Interest- Reading awards at Windwhistle School


For the third year running Weston Soroptimists donated and presented “Super Reader” awards to children at Windwhistle school. One child in each class was chosen as the most improved reader of the year and was presented with a book to match his/her interests. As well as the book these pupils received a certificate and a chocolate medal. One little girl was heard to say that she had always wanted to read the book she received about Malala.

£800 donated to local charities.

£800 donated to local charities.


At a recent meeting Immediate Past President of Soroptimists, Shelagh Jeacocke, was delighted to hand over cheques of £400 each to Rachel Mansfield (on the L) of Weston Hospicecare and Kylie Gallagher (on the R), representing Children’s Hospice South West. This money was raised at the Soroptimist Fashion Show in March.   The Club is looking forward to welcoming any interested women to an event for potential new members on May 24th at the Weston Golf Club at 7.30 p.m. Telephone 07787582047 for more information.

Campaign: Awareness of Violence against Women

Campaign: Awareness of Violence against Women


SI Weston super Mare has been involved in a number of activities to promote awareness and action to prevent violence against women. One of the main objectives    of this awareness-raising campaign has been to  distribute  bookmarks,  which to date have been distributed to branches of Waterstones in Bristol, Weston and Wells and to a bookshop in Burnham-on-Sea . Also they had been received with enthusiasm by Churchill, Redmaids and Sidcot schools.  We are particularly grateful to Sidcot School for a donation which has covered the cost of getting 5,000 bookmarks printed. Soroptimists in Taunton and Bridgwater also distributed them in their towns. Melanie  attended the opening of the Gemini services’ new offices and they too are keen on using the bookmarks in schools.  Weston Foodbank will be receiving some to display for their clients.       On November 25 (UN Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women) a group of Sorops

Skirting Science- Why the Effort?

Skirting Science- Why the Effort?


The gender gap in science is real, and closing it will capitalise on national investment to diversify the scientific workforce and benefit UK’s health and economy. A 2014 YouGov poll in the United Kingdom found that more than half (54%) of the people polled could not name a woman in science. Even when scientists think about women in science, famous and high-profile women such as Marie Curie typically first come to mind. However, even she battled both sexism and xenophobia during her life. We in SI Weston super Mare have taken action and  believe effort must go into increasing and consolidating links between the STEM sector and schools to give girls the stimulus to rethink their career options through this annual event where schools, industry and science professional collaborate to showcase STEM based careers opportunities.  Skirting Science helps to provide a genuine solution to help to close the gender gap. It

Part of a £11 billion business we aim to stop!

Part of a £11 billion business we aim to stop!


  It is a sobering thought that illegal activities have been included in estimates of household spending for the first time by the office of national statistics (ONS), and is said to account for £11 billion of Briton’s economy- . Human trafficking is part of this deplorable story and Stop the Traffik campaign was launched  at the London Olympics to try and raise awareness of the extent of the problem- see  . SI Weston super Mare has joined our organisation’s plea to try and take a stance against human trafficking as proposed earlier this year – and  supported SI Bristol on College Green where the Gift box was installed to gain public attention.