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Liverpool Women’s Hospital ‘Care in a Bag’ Appeal


Our support for women attending Liverpool Women’s Hospital continues with our ‘Dignity Bags’ for women who present with heavy bleeding caused by miscarriage or other non-pregnancy related emergencies and our ‘Baby Bags’ for mums who arrive with nothing for their newborn babies.

This year we wanted to provide more and the ‘Baby Blanket’ project was born! Home knitted/crocheted baby blankets were created to give the mums a feeling of love and support. A ‘shout out’ on social media led to blankets being received from local knitters and crocheters but also from as far afield as Leeds, Kent and many more.

A huge ‘thank you’ to all who contributed wool and/or blankets from all at SI Widnes and from Kate Davies, our link at Liverpool Women’s Hospital. Kate was overwhelmed she came to collect the bags and blankets!


Another strand has been added to our support for Liverpool Wome’s Hospital: Baby Bags.

Sadly, some mums arrive at the hospital to deliver their babies with no provisions for the baby once it has been born. Our Baby Bag project provides new mums with the basics they need to care for their little one in the first few days. We include things such as:

  • nappies
  • wipes
  • baby lotion
  • nappy cream
  • baby shampoo
  • vests
  • babygrows

These items are donated by members and their families and also very generous friends of SI Widnes. If you would like to donate please contact us at


Sadly, many pregnant women arrive at the hospital with heavy bleeding caused by miscarriage or other non pregnancy emergencies. The Care in a Bag project provides the women with some dignity by giving them toiletries, sanitary towels, wipes and pyjamas or leggings to wear to go home in. The demand has increased to the extent where the staff are struggling and have reached out to the local communities. We have made two donations of new pyjamas/leggings, toiletries, sanitary towles and wipes  in 2022. Kate Davies from LWH popped into our Business Meeting in January and May to collect the donations and emailed later to say, “Thank you so very much – the gynae nurses were thrilled to receive the PJ’s! We cannot thank you enough!”

This is an ongoing project and if you would like to donate items, please Contact Us