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Covid-19 effects – Survey


Covid-19 is affecting absolutely everything in our lives at the moment.   Work is ongoing to assess these effects in many areas – mental and physical health, poverty, education are just a few examples. We have learned about a new survey to look at a very specific aspect.


Dr Shona Minson is a researcher at the Oxford Law Faculty.  She has explored the status of the children of prisoners in English law.  She has also engaged directly with children and their carers to explore how their particular situation affects their development.

It can be difficult for the children of female prisoners to see their parent.  There are few prisons for women in the UK and travel can be long and costly.  For more information about this, go to  our page on Women in Prison.

Dr Minson is now doing a survey on the effects of Covid-19 on the children of female prisoners. This excellent initiative should produce helpful insights.   The children involved have to cope, like all children, with the interrupted schooling and general disruption of Covid-19. But – through no fault of their own – they are already, in most cases, coping with a disrupted family life.  Details of this survey, and how to take part, are given below.

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